(47) Attention

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Writings still bad, didn't improve at all🙄

Whatever ima keep posting bc I'm addicted to this app.

Eager, tempting, wanting.

Diego couldn't stop thinking about you ever since he's openly talked about his situation. He doesn't know why, but he feels a weight lifted off his shoulders. All he wants now was to be near you, next to you, beside you.

Good thing you were staying at the same hotel as him for the game. Diego couldn't stop thinking about your next interaction with him would be like. That's what was on his mind the whole time, just that little thought.

He brushed it off though, he needed to pay attention to the upcoming game and not you. Even if his mind desired that the most.

He put his suitcase on top of the bed and watched Kevin walk through the tall doorframe. He was carrying a big suitcase on his shoulders, tripping over his two feet and eventually falling down flat on the bed. The suitcase rolled off, laying down peacefully.

"What's all that for? We're only staying here for 2 weeks." Diego asked. Kevin groaned Into the soft sheets and laid down flat on his back. Staring up into the ceiling, lips parted but no words. "I'm just saying, it's to much stuff." Diego said.

Kevin rolled his eyes, letting them rest on Diego's face. "Yeah? And this is appropriate for 2 weeks." He countered. Diego scuffed and started to unpack his clothes. "You have stuff to last you for years, Kevin."

Kevin gasped and patted his heart, like he was offended by that. "No! This is called being prepared! And not having repetitive outfits." Kevin mumbled.

Diego rolled his eyes and looked into his suitcase. 3 black tank tops, 5 black shorts, 5 white shorts, 2 white tank tops. 3 white shirts...

Maybe Diego was a little repetitive.

"Whatever. Did coach tell you if you were starting?" Diego questioned. Kevin stood up and stretched. His eyes were locked on the ceiling fan as he thought. "Mmm, no. Not that I remember, you?"

Diego nodded. "Yeah, he said I'm a midfielder." Kevin slowly nodded and began to unpack his stuff. Letting silence find its way into the room. After a bit, Kevin spoke up.

"Are you going to have dinner with the team? It's getting late and I'm not sure if we told you yet." He asked. Diego stopped his movements and looked back at Kevin with a eyebrow raised.

"The team? Just the team?"

Kevin shrugged, lips pouted and not really caring. "I don't know. I think so, why?" He asked. Honestly, Kevin didn't really care why. His mind was focused more on the upcoming game than anything else. Maybe he should have caught on to Diego's change of behavior, Kevin would sure have hope.

Diego stayed quiet, blinking rapidly to himself before shaking his head and continuing to unpack his stuff. "Just wondering."

Kevin sighed. He sort of regretted packing so much stuff, though he wouldn't admit it. "So are you coming or..?" Diego gently bit his lip.

"Uh. Yeah sure."

Kevin smiled. Unpacking his stuff that will probably take hours if he wanted to be all organized. But being Kevin, he stopped packing not even half way thru and started to whine into the blanket. "Ughhh, why did I do this to myself?" He cried out.

Diego chuckled and leaned over to see a lot more than he was expecting. "Dude. What's wrong with you?" He gasped. Kevin cried louder, sure he was energetic, but he didn't have the energy to pack all of this out.

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