(48) Elevator Talk

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"Uhh Diego, can you let go."

Diego hesitated, no wanting to lose the comfort you provided him. Though, he couldn't hold you forever.

He let go of you, letting you lean out with no hesitation and catching your breath. He stared at you awkwardly, trying to figure out what you were feeling in that moment.

"I'm gonna go."

There you go, yet again.

Diego felt rage built upside of him as he watched you leave. Why did you always leave him like this? Did you not enjoy the time with him, and if so, why didn't you?

How did Val get to have you, and he didn't? How come Val got to take the spot as your boyfriend? Val doesn't even sound great, but everyone likes him. What about Diego? What was he to you?

You guys shared something, and then now you guys are back to acting like strangers with tension. It frustrated him to the max, and now slowly he has to build something up with you.

He has to be slow with it, because you were taken.


You walked out to the field, sitting down your stuff right next to Kevin who was benched.

"When does the game start?" You asked, munching on a snack. Kevin looked around and then at his watch. "2 more minutes."

You nodded and sucked on a go-gurt. "Where's Diego?" You watched around the warming up spots. Seeing players jog around on the field and do other training things.

"Over there." You followed Kevin's finger to see his figure walking around and talking to other players as he stretched.

You watched him for a bit, still recalling the last time you guys spoke. It was strange to you on how encouraged he was with that hug. If it wasn't for the fact that Diego was someone you knew, you would have been creeped out on how much force he used.

The players lined up, and the whistle blew.

The first 25 minutes of the game was around mexicos side, the other 25 minutes was on Honduras's side. It was a pretty even matched game, though Henry Martin scored within the first 5 minutes.

In the 46 minute, Pineda scored. He did his little flip and dance that got the crowd wild. A huge smile was plastered on your face as you watched your team beat Honduras.

It was half time, which meant a little break for the players and viewers.

Diego walked up to the side and grabbed his water bottle, squirting the water into his mouth as if he was dehydrated. You chucked, "all that running and no goal?" You asked him.

Diego stopped the squirting and listened to your words. He then continued drinking his water and shaking his head. "I'm trying.." he mumbled.

"Yeah. Well not hard enough."

2nd half started, Diego fortunately didn't get subbed off. Even if he was having a little rough time, though he had chance to improve. The 57 minute Santi scored a goal. Everyone was happy and celebrated the 3rd goal that game.

84 minute Luis scored a free kick, and 92 minute Diego, finally scored a goal. He worked hard for that, because he was chasing that goal like it was his last meal.

After the game, you congratulated everyone who scored. It ended up being a 5-0 slaughter and elimination round which was not the best look for Honduras.

"Damn! Kevin did you see that? I think I saw a SLAUGHTER!" You hyped up, over all the sound. Kevin hyped the team up as well, talking over everybody at the win.

Sadly, Kevin didn't get to play. But he was happy and enjoyed watching his team win after a long time of suffering.

You ended up going back to the hotel, since your room was upstairs you had a choice. Take the stairs, or take the elevator.

Elevator. You felt tired and worked out from watching that intense game.

You opened the elevator and walked inside. The inside was nice, a warm carpet like flooring and nice wooden walls. It actually looked pretty comfortable to sleep in.

The elevator came to a stop, that's when you saw the door open, not at your floor though. It reveled a stress Diego as he walked inside the elevator.

"Uhh, hi?" You said. Diego looked at you and sighed, pressing the button to get to your destination. "Hey." He mumbled.

You raised an eyebrow. You could sense his stressing from a mile away, his body posture was stiff and his body obviously needed some type of relief.

"Why are you stressed? You legit scored a goal." You asked. Diego turned to you, then turned his head to the opposite side of you.

"It's not that." He muttered. You leaned against the wall. "Then..?"

Diego took a deep, sharp, breath and looked at you with slight red eyes. He opened his mouth, "how come whenever we are left alone...you always leave?"

Oh. Ohhh.

You shifted uncomfortably around the elevator. You leaned your head against the wall and turned to the side. "I dunno. I Guess im always just left with...thoughts." You admitted.

Diego felt happy, slight hope invaded his mind. "Thoughts? Thoughts about what?" He asked, intrigued by the conversation about you.

You shrugged your shoulders. "Like 'no way that just happened' or 'i cant believe me and him just did that' or other disgusted comments in my head." You explained.

No way were you about to say what you really thought. Like 'I want to do it again' or 'i hope he doesn't leave me. Maybe I should leave him'. It's always been hard for you to admit things like that, even in situations like this.

Diego's smile slowly faded. "Dis- disgusted? So you didn't like it?" He panicked out. You felt a little confused on his worry. Why would he care? He hasn't done much either.

"I did... that's not the point. Why are you so stressed out?" You changed the subject.

Diego sighed. "Because of you."

You felt shock rise from your stomach. "Me?" You asked in disbelief. Diego franticly nodded at you.

"Yes. You. I cant stop thinking about you and about us. What are we, y/n?"

You bit your lip. You didn't want to say anything that could hurt his feelings. But the truth had to be said, sure you had romantically involved in stuff with Diego, making feelings start to happen between you and him. But you had an amazing boyfriend, so you just had to push out your feelings.

"I- I don't know. I Can tell you later." Wow, tell him later? What is this? You will not be telling him later. You're just a little Staller.

"Tell me later? Y/n. Please, i can't stop thinking about you and everything you do makes me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. I want to be next to you all the time and it's annoying how much I crave to have moments like these. Gosh y/n, don't you feel the same? Don't you feel that spark?"

You groaned, now getting a little stress. If you're getting stress, imagine him. You looked at Diego to see him obviously stressed, frustrated. He was tired, and he didn't want to deal with this.

"I- I don't know Diego! What about you? Me and you could've had something if you didn't go with Lux. That ruined us. There's your answer!"

Diego was beyond irritated. He was tired, stressed, frustrated, needy.

"Y/n, don't start with this!"

You stopped listening to Diego, was it just you or was the elevator not moving anymore?

"Wait wait wait shhh." You shushed Diego, only to hear no movement. The only thing you could hear was ringing in your pocket, you picked it up.

"Diego." Diego looked at you.

"I think we're stuck."

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