(24) growing

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By the way...this is what I meant by heated.


30 mins before

You and Val were tangled in each others mouths. Not even knowing where y'all were going, bumping into things as you grind your hips against his.

His lips felt, okay. They weren't as good as others, but you were excepting what you had. Eventually you guys ended up on his couch, making both of you guys grunt in pleasure.

You pulled off your shirt in eagerness, leaving you in a black and red bra that shined in his eyes. He moaned into your ear and gripped on your breast with passion. You moaned out loud, even if it didn't feel that good.

Just as you were about to go even further, you got a phone call that cause you and Val to groan. You sat up and leaned into his ear, your phone in your hand.

"I'll take this real quick. Ill be back ~" ew, that even sound cringey saying that to him.

You walked out in another room, shutting it close and making sure Val wasn't listening. You saw that Kevin was FaceTiming you. Wait he's FaceTiming you!?


"Hello?" You said.

"Y/n! I can't believe you lied to us! First off you aren't even taking care of your mom, and instead you're- OH MY GOSH WHAT ARE YOI WEARING?!"

You panicked and looked down to see your boobs out to him, obviously clothed, but in thin clothing that's basically see through.

Kevin jumped and throw his phone in the air, it landed to the sight of Kevin rocking himself and closing his eyes.

He's so dramatic.

You covered your breast with one arm that just squeezed it and made it look worse. You groaned, not able to find a shirt. "Kevin," you sighed, "the camera is not on me, you can look."

You saw Kevin slowly open his eyes, after seeing just the ceiling in view he crawled and grabbed the phone back. His face was mad, and you knew it. "I can't believe you are having se- that word with that little man whore!"

Damn. You have never heard Kevin so mad before. But, the fact that Kevin still can't even say sex was astonishing to you. Still the old pure Kevin.

"Look Kevin, it's not like that-"

"Como que no? You don't even have a shirt on." He pointed out. You groaned once again. This was too much. Wait a second...how did he know who Val was in the first place?

"How do you know who Val is?" You question. You had never told Kevin about Val so he wouldn't get the wrong idea, but now looking at it maybe the wrong idea was the right one? Anyway, you had never mentioned to Val about Kevin or Kevin about Val. So how did he know?

You could see Kevin's eyes widened at the question.

"I was sort of stalking you and found someone following you and he looked pretty attractive so I looked at his account and saw what he posted and then-"

Wait. What did he post?

"Posted? Huh?" You asked. Kevin stopped his stammering and lifted an eyebrow at you. "Did you not see what he posted..?"

Holy shit! What did he post?

"N-no." You stuttered nervously. You got a weird feeling in your stomach and your whole body felt tingly. What had he posted? Was it bad? What if he just posted you right now! You were so vulnerable, he wouldn't.

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