(10) Party Hardy

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I wanna say before this chapter starts is that game was rigged asl like Edson got fucking pushed into the stupid ass ball and that wasn't a foul?😭

Enjoy this chapter🙄

"I am not wearing that." You said sternly. Kevin narrowed his eye brows as he inspected the dress. "Why not?" He asked as he looked all around it, in his eyes it was perfect.

You uncrossed your arms and marched over to him, took the dress roughy and outlined all of the exposure of it. "To revealing." You announced. Kevin scratched his head in confusion.

"Not really..." he mumbled. You gave him a look, making him become even more confused and lost than before. " you can see my cleavage, it's too tight, and too short." You complained. Kevin shook his head and took the dress and placed it up against your body.

"I Can sort of see that..." he trailed off. He didn't think it was a big deal, and if he knew you wouldn't have liked it, he would've got options. You slouched your back and snatched the dress away and tossed it on your bed. "Whats my next option?" You asked as you sat down on the bed, waiting for Kevin to bring out another dress.

Kevin fluffed his hair up in stress. "I don't got any more options." He whispered in disappointment. You mentally face palmed. "Kevin, I told you if your going to by the dress for me at least give me options!" You pressed.

Kevin flung his head down like a guilty little puppy getting yelled at.

"I'm sorry." He grumbled. You shook your head and checked the time on your phone. " it's 6:00, what time do we have to be there at?" You asked.

"Well most people are going to show up around 7:30, like a night party, but as the hosts we have to be there at 6:30 to make sure everything is ready." Kevin explained.

"So your telling me I won't have time to go to the store and by a new dress?" You growled. Kevin nodded hesitantly, watching your every move like a lion.

With that nod, you quickly took the dress and started to get change right in front of Kevin. He quickly placed his hands on his eyes as he murmured 'no no no no' over and over again. With his eyes closed, he crashed into the door and fell down on the ground, his hands still glued onto his eyes.

You didn't really care about the fact that Kevin was in the room, all you were focused on was getting ready, lucky for Kevin he was already for the party.

You finished putting on the dress go feel the soft fabric inside of it, it was a little bit too revealing to your liking, but hell your going to have to put up with it. You put on a pair of high heels to watch with your dress, having the same color theme, you then grabbed gold bracelets and necklaces that had little charms on them that made your body stand out.

You want into the bathroom to check yourself out. You usually don't like calling yourself 'hot' or 'beautiful' because you rarely ever feel like it, but today you felt like everything you touched could turn into gold.

The dress complemented your curves so nice, making you have an hourglass like figure. Your legs were nice and shaved, they really stood out because of how short the dress was. It stopped at your mid thigh, which was too short for your liking, but at the same time, you felt good.

The dress also did wonders to your breast, you could really see the cleavage good, and your necklaces that went in between your breast line. You did your hair, having it straight, you did your make up, that wasn't a lot because you didn't have time.

Still, you looked the best you had ever looked before. You spared perfume all around your body so you smelt nice and fresh.

You walked out the door to see Kevin still laying on the ground with his eyes stapled shut.

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