(21) Away

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Diego put his phone back, and tried to watch the game without thinking about you and your moms safety. Although he does hate you, he actually likes your mom a lot.

Diego and your mom had a good relationship, no arguments like you and Diego. Sometimes Diego could see you through your mom, but whenever that thought came to mind he would brush it off.

His mind then wondered off to you again. He doesn't like you, but for some reason he wants to see you. Lately you have given him lack of attention and haven't been active at all. Diego claims he doesn't care but something inside of him wants you to start an argument.

It's not like he wants an unhealthy relationship with you- oh well I wouldn't say that. Let's just say Diego doesn't know what he wants. But he knows that he wants to talk to you, if it's an argument or not.

He could feel a knot at the pit of the stomach whenever he thought about you. He thinks that it's just a knot out of hatred but these days he can't tell what he feels. One things for 'sure' is that he hates you.


Diego jumped up at the sound of the seemed to be tuned out tv. He's mind retreading back go normal, and actually watching the game. Though his mind wondered off to you.


With a groan he got out his phone and checked his Instagram. He had gotten a 'heart eye' emoji on his comments section. It was pretty normal but he read 'Lux'. The knot in the pit of his stomach disappeared out of nowhere.

He ignored to like the comment like he would always do as for he was too stressed out on his wondering mind.

The game ended and he immediately turned off the tv. His eyes closed but all he could see was your moms image and how you looked so sad in the picture. Usually, he would like to see that. But he doesn't know. Maybe it was the fact that your mom was there that made his breath hitch a little longer.

He doesn't know. And he just wanted rest.


You had slept all night with your mom. The doctor told you that she was very Ill and that if you had waited any longer she may had not be here today.

You felt your ur stomach drop hearing that, but you just tried to keep your composure. Right now, you were in the waiting room for your moms check up.

The quiet memo and the soft jazz in the background made your thoughts come back again. You were thinking how you were going to repay Kevin for his work. For his friendship and loyalty. Maybe you should repay him with a car? As if he couldn't afford one.

Shit, oh fuck hes rich. Whatever you get him he could get millions of! This was going to be hard.

"Y/n, you could come in now." The nurse said. You saw her steady posture and her relaxed face. You sigh out of relief and stood up. "Okay." You replied and walked in the room.

You saw your mom sitting up and eating some sort of soup. You raised your eyebrows in confusion.

"So we did some X-rays and altera sounds to see what we could help her with." The doctor said, emerging from the curtains. You nodded for him to keep talking.

He cleared his throat."For now, she will be fine. She had some sort of sickness that we really couldn't identify yet. But it's nothing TOO serious. For now it's best to be by her for a while though." The doctor explained. You frowned and watched your mom eat her sad soup.

"How long do I need to be with her for?" You asked out of curiosity. Also because you have your own life you need to attend to.

The doctor pursed his lips and made a clicking sound with his tongue. "Probably around 2-3 months." He estimated.

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