(53) Here we Go

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Turing this all into 1 book.

João stared at you with utter shock.

You pretended like you didn't see him. Even though it was clear as day that you saw him. This was really the worse timing ever. Right as you and Diego were something other than confusion João had to come back into your life.

And the worse part about it is that you could feel your heart start to throb for affection from him.

It was so frustrating. The man who was your first love, your first 'time' your first kiss. Your first- practically everything was standing right in from of you! Why did he have to be a footballer? Couldn't he choose another passion? Because now this is just awkward and you didn't know- AND OH MY GOSH HES WALKING UP TO YOU.

"Y/n...is that you?" He asked. His accent was there, though he sounded so much more natural. and it almost made you melt to your knees. You almost wanted to say 'noo! Wrong bitch.' And walk away in honor of Diego. You literally couldn't get into contact with another man without Diego getting upset again. You couldn't afford that to happen again.

But. Some stupid little voice inside of you pushed you further than you should have.

"Y-Yeah. You look so..."

Hot. Dreamy. Handsome. He looked a lot different back in collage, he didn't have straight teeth. He didn't have his extremely sharp jaw. His lips looked more full, his eyes looked even more beautiful. His hair looked so perfect. He looked perfect.

João took a second to admire you as well. He hasn't seen you since, and he really doesn't know what to feel. He had a girlfriend, of course. But something inside of him wanted to just break up with her for you. Who wouldn't? You looked majestic and beautiful any man would be lucky to have you. "I uhm." João tripped over his words. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know if he even wanted to say anything at all and just admire your natural beauty.

You felt your face go hot and your mouth trembling in anticipation. "You look Good. João." You admitted. João's face lit up for a spilt second before he spoke as well. "Thank you. You to. You..."João looked around your body. You're way more curvier than before. "Mature." He finished, looking you up and down at your curvy figure.

The both of you just admired each other in silence. You already felt that gravitational pull, you felt yourself want to be with João just for the fact alone that he was your first love. But it won't happen. So you could keep those fantasies to yourself, because it couldn't happen.

As João was about to say something, Diego rushed up to you.

"Hola mi chula." He said. He kissed your cheek and grabbed your ass. He leaned into your ear as his eyes were focused on the floor.

"You're going to tell me about him later." He whispered. Almost dangerously, he backed away to revel his eyes that screamed with rage.

You swallowed whatever liquid that was in your throat and nodded at him. Diego gave you one final kiss on the head as he rubbed your body before leaving. Making sure he touched João in some way or another. You embarrassedly looked back at João.

"You're dating Diego?" He asked, almost in disbelief. You parted your lips in a straight line and nodded your head. João's eyes widened a bit as his mouth opened. "That's...surprising."

Even though you haven't went official online and with the others, you didn't have to. It was obvious that you and Diego were something so might as well call him your boyfriend.

Trying to changes the subject, you spoke. "Your English has gotten a lot better. I can't barely till you aren't from America." You joked. João laughed and put his hands in his pockets. When did his laugh get so beautiful?

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