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Kevin had been working on what he promised, all night he had been making calls and trying to get your ass in the USA before next week. Thankfully everything went smooth.

Kevin went to his training. The whole ride there his head was pounding, and he needed sleep. Since he was going early, he was going to sleep a good rest.

As soon as he made it there, Diego was waiting there for him with a spinning ball on his head. Kevin watched him in confusion as for Diego was just staring at him...with a spinning ball on his head.

Kevin swallowed, and sat his stuff down on the bench. "Yes?" He asked. Diego scuffed and looked to the side, making the spinning ball on his head fall down and bounce around the echoey, silent locker room.

"You look horrible.." Diego pointed out as he looked at Kevin's face. Kevin sighed and rubbed his temples. "I know." He said in annoyance. Though he didn't want to complain because he was up all night for a good cause.

Diego shook his head and stood up straight. "Why were you talking to y/n?" Diego asked. Kevin groaned and ruffed up his hair. "She has to go back to the USA Today."

Diego was stunned. His heart started to beat a little faster thinking something bad happened- wait why would he care? He doesn't care about you. Diego shook his head and hugged himself after ACTUALLY caring about you for once.

Although Diego claims he doesn't care about what happened...he couldn't help but feel curious.

"Why...did something like- I don't know..happen?" Diego stuttered.

Kevin cleared his throat. "Yeah something with her mom. Didn't she tell you that?" Kevin asked.

Diego shook his head. "No, I don't have her on any socials. We only have the group chat and that's pretty dry." Diego stated.

"Oh, she came to me right away when that happened." Kevin bragged.

Diego rolled his eyes and tied his cleats up. "Yeah maybe because she's thirsty for money." Diego whispered. Kevin raised an eyebrow and coughed.

"What's that supposed to mean? You have money too and she didn't come to you." Kevin pointed out.

"Yeah, sure whatever."

Kevin frowned his eyes at Diego, sad with his impression on you. "Why do you always talk bad about y/n? She's a really good girl and very helpful." Kevin questioned.

"Because she's annoying." Diego said.

Kevin frowned. "No she's not. Me and you both know that."

Diego rolled his eyes once again, hating the topic that they were talking about.

"Why do you even care?" Diego asked.

There was a long silence after that. The only noise heard was the clicking on the hard concrete of the cleats.

"I'm just saying, maybe look at her a little closer. Here I'll give you her socials." Kevin offered.

Diego groaned."That won't be necessary." He said. "I'm not gonna need it. I don't want to see her."

Kevin ignored his declined offer and instead pulled out Diego's phone out of his pocket. Kevin followed all of your socials and our notifications on without Diego noticing.

He quickly put Diego's phone back and hurried them down to the field.


"Thank you once again Kevin. I'll be back in a few weeks, did you talk to the coach?" You asked in a hurry.

"Yeah, he said he would make the exception because you needed to go back. I told him you'll be back in 1 month so they're going to get a sub for exactly 1 month. He said if you're not back when that 1 moth hits you're fired."

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