(29) A Very Weird Dream

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(Play this song if you can)

Diego roughly kissed you on your neck, sucking and gently bitting down until you head hickys everywhere on your body.

He held your body close to him, seeking some type of contact from below. His mouth wondered around your neck, then Lower to your collar bone, making sure that nothing was untouched. "Diego." You moaned out.

Hearing you moan his name set up off, making him try to go lower, wanting to make you scream his name. That's all he wanted from you, just a little scream of an orgasim that overwhelmed you. But he knew if he got that, he would crave and crave for more. But he didn't care. He just wanted you. So bad.

He moaned and groaned against your skin, slowly taking off your top as he let you kiss him wherever. He then began to roughly take off your pants, then underwear, then bra, until nothing was left on your body.

You were amazing, your body was beautiful, and your hair laid down on your shoulders and further. It looked so majestic.

He wasted no time, using his fingers to satisfied your whiny needs. Hearing you scream his name.




Diego woke up and looked around to see Kevin with a worried look on his face. Also another friend that he will take care later.

"How'd you get in here..."

"Are you okay?!?" Kevin asked, with worry all over his face. Diego looked around and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah?"

Kevin sighed in relief, "Good because I heard groaning and other weird stuff from you. Making sure no nightmare you know."

Diego opened his eyes and stood up, dreams like this didn't typically happen to Diego a lot, and whenever it did he never had problems with his body in the morning. And of course the one time this happens it had to be a dream of you.

Diego stood up and went to the bathroom.

"Where you going?" Kevin asked.


"Then why are you bringing a pillow with you?"

Diego closed the bathroom door and locked it, he leaned against the wall and dragged himself to the floor. This sucked. Well he had to go to work soon but the thought of him pleasing himself just because of you made his body shake.

Whatever. It's just a dream, we have dreams about the most random things ever. He sighed and built up the courage to do this, he sighed over and over again. Do it quick, just do it quick.

He thought about the dream, how it felt so real. How it felt so good. It felt like it was reality, he felt like that had actually happened. And if it wasn't for Kevin, Diego probably would have thought later one that it did happen.

Diego sucked in a deep breath, okay it's just his body, he pisses with this thing every single day. Okay just do it quick and act like nothing happened.

Diego pulled his sweats down to his ankles, leaving him in his boxers. He slowly pulled his boxers down, and looked at his problem.

"...yeah that needs to go away..."

He quickly grabbed it, and just sat there with it in his hands. This is bad, this is real bad. Okay I got this, I've done this before.

"Diego!" Kevin shouted, he knocked on the door repeatedly. Diego stiffen up, stood up, and pulled his pants back up. "What?"

𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ? ||Diego LainezWhere stories live. Discover now