(30) "The Talk"

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That night Diego could not fall asleep, the maximum he got was 2 hours. the rest was just him laying in his bed, staring at the ceiling in pure disgust for himself.

When he went to sleep, he had one- well two people on his mind. 1, you, 2



"So Diego, what do you want to talk about?" Memo was sitting on his chair, crossing his leg over the other and little reading glasses that he had for fashion purposes. They were in Memos home, his wife was gone with the kids to go shopping for them.

Diego laid down flat on the brown colored couch, his eyes glued onto the ceiling above him like that night.

"It's about me and Y/n." Diego said. Memo raised an eyebrow, who would know that Diego would ever think about you? Never mind that, Memo was excited about what you had to say about her.

"Go on." Memo encouraged. Diego thought about the best way to approach this.

"What does it mean when you have a sexual dream about someone?" Diego asked first. Memo opened his mouth in shock, but it turned into a small little smile.

"Well depends, I'm guessing you had a sexual dream about y/n." Diego nodded in agreement. Although he wasn't proud of it, the only person he couldn't lie to was Memo.

"Well, it may have happened because of previous thoughts or occasion where something sexual might have happened?" Memo guessed. Diego already had a few times where he had sexual thoughts about you, some go way back and done just happened last week.

"Yeah a couple of times." Diego admitted. Memo shook his head and wrote down some stuff on his notepad.

"Okay well that most likely is the cause. What else had happened?" Memo asked. Diego thought, should he tell his caption about his hard situation? Well maybe he would know how to fix it, because it's still happening.

"I got major hard, that whole day I had to avoid her." Diego said. Memo pouted his lips and wrote more things on his notepad.

"Go into detail." Detail? Oh pues- memo what the hell.

"Well, I couldn't focus on my practice and that probably screwed up my chances on playing next Thursday. Also whenever she was close to me I kept on getting these thoughts. Like I just wanted to kiss her so bad, but at the same time I wanted to see her cry in pain. I was so unbalanced and whenever she touched me I had to hold back an urge to do some things I probably would have regret."

Memo nodded slowly and wrote more things down on his notes. "Well it seems here that you have this thing called sexual tension." Memo added.

Diego sighed and started to fidget with his hands.

"And if you still get hard from even looking at her then you know it's bad." Oh really? That's nice to know that I have it bad.

"So you have to release it." Say what now. Diego's breath hitched up. Release it? Oh well he tried that and he couldn't even start the process. That's a no go.

"How can i?" Diego asked, hoping memo would give a different suggestion than what Diego was thinking. Memo sighed, "did you try masterb-"

"Yes! And I couldn't even do it because I felt to disgusted." Diego pouted. "Is there any other way?"

Memo flicked his tongue. "Have her do it to you. Honestly if it's bad to the point were when you see her you get hard, you have to."

Noo. Diego can't.

"How do I do it then?" Diego questioned. He began to get frustrated because he's never felt this feelings for you before, and he doesn't want them there.

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