(31) phone call [optional]

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This chapter is optional, it will have sexual content so be aware

Diego was pacing back and forth, tugging on his hair and stressing out. He needs some to just take care of it and that's it. There's nothing more, nothing less. And since when does he care what you would think? All it was is just taking care of his needs. That's it.

He called you? Half hoping you wouldn't respond. "Yeah?" Oh gosh that voice, so smooth, and pretty, - Diego what? Just get this over with and then go back to normal.

"D- can I see my results for the thing I took yesterday?" He stuttered. Great way to lay it out. Speaking of lay, how are you going to do this Diego? Diego looked around to find a place, his bed. Nice and quiet and peaceful, just what he needs. He awkwardly laid down on got in the position he needed to be in.

"Nothing is wrong your completely fine, the only thing is your left hamstring." You spoke. Diego was relieved. He pulled his pants down to his ankles again, okay don't back out again. He really didn't want to do this, especially with you. He was always more of a romantic type of person believe it or not. So the thought of this made his body shiver.

Though if memo said this would work, then it's got to. Maybe Diego could go back to normal and not have to deal with his emotions again. And it's not like memo was forcing him either, Diego was choosing to do this. Rather put in an effort than none at all.

"I'm going to go now." You said. Diego was quick to ask you to stay, he couldn't just let you go when he had yet to do his thing. He sounded like an asshole for thinking that, but who cares? It's not like you're going to find out what he's doing.

"Tell me about America, for field trip purposes." He lied. He's not planning on leaving anytime soon, but you seemed to believe it. Diego pulled down his boxers and grabbed his dick with a firm grasp. Just do it. With a groan in disgust, Diego started to slowly pump himself up and down.

Sure he's done this before, when he was in his teenage years though. Now it's just different, your the female he's admiring. Not just some random girl online, and that's what made it hard for him. He's going to have to act like everything is normal after this.

He listened to you speak about whatever, honestly he wasn't paying attention to what you were saying exactly. The only thing that crossed his mind was your sweet, beautiful voice. So pretty, that sweet little voice of yours was just speaking away. So freaking pretty. Diego started to drag his hand up faster, not to fast because he did wanted to last a little longer than expected.

The pleasure slowly started to build up, as long as his spit that was in the back of his throat. "I've meet a friend a few months ago." Was the last thing Diego caught. "Yeah? What's her name?" Diego didn't bother to ask the gender, he was being a little selfish right now and only thinking about himself.

Diego closed his eyes and listened to you speak, when did your voice become so addicting? Diego just seem to not get enough of it. You ranted on about something that Diego's whipped mind couldn't comprehend. He rolled his thumb over his tip, and practically massage his dick. Feeling himself for the first time in how long?

He's got to admit, he loves the feeling of it. It's a shame that you don't always answer his calls or else he might make this a daily thing. Just listen to you speak, all day, while Diego uses your voice as fuel. That actually didn't sound to bad to him. In fact, he adores that idea.

He actually wants it. So bad. "Right?" You asked again. Oh shit. What did Diego say last? Has Diego even talked at all? Was he losing his mind!?

"R-right." Good job Diego, you just agreed to something you didn't even hear. Ah, who cares? Let Diego have his moment. Diego adjusted himself and continued, going a bit harder and slamming his wrist on and off. He let out different sounds that thankfully you couldn't hear.

Diego began to think about the dream, and how it was laid out. Now, in that moment Diego wanted it to happen so bad. His need for you grew and grew with each passing second, he wanted you to kiss him, to tease him, shit he would let you do anything you want to him as long as you make him feel good. That's all he wanted, just to be taken care of.

His hands ache to touch you, Diego's never been a pleased person, he was rather a pleaser, so he felt selfish and bad about him getting all of it while you got nothing. He wanted to touch legit any part of you so bad, just to feel you. Because he craved you, he wanted you, he needed you. He- why aren't you talking?

"keep talking." He encouraged. And when you obeyed him, his legs felt limp and his hands felt numb. What type of effect did you have over him? And why did it feel so good?

Once you started your mumbo jumbo again, Diego kept his hands busy, moving them all in the right places. Memo was right, this feels amazing. The only problem is that you would stop talking every 30 seconds. He would have to say some stuff like 'she sounds Interesting' or whatever else he's said that he can't remember to keep you talking.

After hitting the right spot, Diego started to pump himself faster, leaning his head back and letting out long breaths of pure pleasure. He didn't care if you could hear, honestly he sort of wanted you to hear. To let you know what you do to him, to let you know that you actually mean something to him.

"Are you okay?" Oh shit. Maybe he does care about it just a little. He slowed his movements that made his hips thrust up, "yeah, im fine better than- shit." His climax was so close, he could feel the slight taste. He could feel the pleasure rising to its maximum.

Diego didn't care. He starts to become louder, his chase after his high was much more important than if you could hear his high breaths or not. His breathing increased by a lot, and his imagination became wild. Picturing things that are so 1, shocking, 2, beautiful. His body was so close, so damn close. He needed it.

He needed it so bad. He become shameless, becoming a mess on the phone with you. Thinking about you. Your pretty voice, your soft voice, your body, your form. This isn't enough. he needs more of you. He can't. He needs you here, with him. This is not the way he expected this to go.

"...Diego, are you.."

In fact he was. He had relieved himself, and all of his dirty thoughts about you were pitiful. How could he be so caught up in his head to realize who he was doing this over? All of those thoughts and fantasies were just illustrations that could be written by any girl. Meaning your just another girl in his pot.

He was so foolish, laying down on the bed. He didn't even want to speak to you, no he didn't even want to talk to you.

"Hm? No I'm good.."

He hanged up, and didn't regret it. Though he regretted all of the nasty, dirty thoughts he had about you. Good thing Diego didn't have practice until next week. He doesn't know if he could attend after doing what he just did.

He laid down on the bed, and for the first night in a week, he didn't think about you.

Thank you Ochoa!


Obviously I didn't go all out on this, if I did this would have been quadruple the length and time.

I'm just saving up for when spicy stuff does happen 😉

But now we have a normal Diego again and not a horny one! Yay!

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