Famous (Quicketh)

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"Oh my god, you're Quinn Fabray."

Quinn looked at the teenagers who were watching her. She glanced at Puck and Beth protectively.

"We saw you on your last night on Broadway last month! You were amazing."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled. "And thank you for coming to the show."

"Could we get a quick picture with you?"

"Sure." Quinn nodded slowly and looked at Puck.

"I'll take it." Puck offered.

Quinn stood in between the girls while Puck snapped the pictures. "What are your names?"

"Alexa and Ellie."

"Nice to meet you, Alexa and Ellie." Quinn said. "Thank you both for coming to the show."

"It's so nice to meet you." Alexa agreed as she hugged Quinn.

"Congratulations on your pregnancy, too! We just saw the announcement on Twitter." Ellie added when she hugged Quinn.

"Thank you." Quinn smiled when they parted. She put her hand on her tiny baby bump and took Beth's hand as Puck gave the girls back their phone.


"Bye." Quinn waved as the girls walked away.

Puck smiled as he put his arm around Quinn. "We should revisit the conversation we had where I suggested we get more security."

"I already told you that's not necessary." Quinn reminded Puck.

"I know what you said, but our careers are growing and we're gonna have another kid in a few months." Puck pointed out. "We should talk about protecting them and helping them grow up as normal as possible."

"Not right now." Quinn shook her head. "Besides, those girls were harmless."

"Not everyone is." Puck noted.

"We can talk about it later." Quinn told Puck. "Right now I just wanna enjoy the rest of the night with you and Beth."

"Okay." Puck nodded as he looked at Beth. "How ya doin', Monkeyface?"

"Good." Beth answered. "Who were those girls?"

"Fans of Mommy." Puck replied.

"How do they know Mommy?" Beth wondered.

"They saw me in the show last month." Quinn said.

"Are they your friends?" Beth questioned Quinn. "Like Tana and Britt?"

"No." Quinn said. "Those girls are fans of my work."

"Are they strangers?" Beth asked.

"Mommy and I have public jobs." Puck explained. "Which means sometimes strangers know who we are and what we do, and they wanna come talk to us about it and take pictures."

Beth furrowed her eyebrow.

"It's a little different than stranger danger." Quinn added.

"How?" Beth asked.

"Because we're grown ups." Quinn told Beth.

Beth looked at Puck.

"You remember how Uncle Jake used to be a stranger?" Puck asked. "Or how Mommy's professors used to be strangers?"

"Kinda." Beth said.

"It's a little like that." Puck said, looking at Quinn.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Are you and Daddy famous?" Beth wondered.

"Sort of."


"Yeah, we definitely need to talk about security later."

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