Social Media (Quicketh)

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"Puckerman, with the tour coming up, we want you to start being more active online."

"What?" Puck asked.

"You know, with social media. Start posting regularly."

"Regularly?" Puck repeated.


"We can hire someone to do that stuff for you, if you want, but they would need to come to your home and take candids of you and your setup, and they'd come have to come here and do it."

"I can do it." Puck insisted. "My wife is into photography. And I know who we can hire to do my posts."


"My daughter."


"Beth!" Puck called when he entered the house.

"She's in the yard." Quinn informed Puck as she came to greet him. "How'd your meeting go?"

"That's actually what I wanna talk to B about." Puck said. "And you. Where are the kids?"

"Everyone's in the yard with your mom." Quinn answered. "What's going on?"

"My team said I can't put off using social media for work any longer." Puck informed Quinn. "So I told them I have a photographer and a social media poster in the family."

"Social media manager." Quinn corrected Puck with a nod. "You sure Beth will go for that?"

"She needs a summer job." Puck shrugged. "And I don't want some stranger or annoying intern coming here taking pictures of me all day. You and Beth will know when enough is enough."

"Me?" Quinn wondered.

"You love taking pictures." Puck reminded Quinn. "And I'm pretty easy on the eyes, so..."

"I'm in." Quinn said. "Let's go talk to Beth."

Quinn and Puck entered the yard and walked over to Beth.

"I don't like the smirk on your faces." Beth muttered, looking at her parents. "What are you doing?"

"I got you a summer job." Puck said.

"A summer job?" Beth repeated. "No thanks."

"We're not asking you." Puck clarified. "I need a social media manager."

"Do I at least get paid?" Beth asked.

"Of course." Puck nodded.

"How much?" Beth questioned him.

"We'll work it out."


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