Marcus Jones (Quinn/Mercedes/Jones fam)

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"Hey." Mercedes said, peeking into her brother's room.

"Hey." Quinn repeated as she put her hand to her baby bump and sat up. "Come in."

Mercedes smiled as she entered the room.

"You look pretty." Quinn noted, eyeing Mercedes' floral dress. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Thank you." Mercedes replied happily. "My dad and I are taking my mom out to breakfast for Mother's Day. You should join us, Mama."

"I didn't shower yet, and then I'd have to get ready." Quinn explained. "And even picking out something that fits takes a while."

"We can wait for you." Mercedes offered.

"I don't want you to have to wait." Quinn shook her head. "And honestly, I'm kinda tired, so I think I'll just try to rest, and then I'll join you guys when you come back."

"Are you sure?" Mercedes asked.

"I'm sure." Quinn confirmed. "Besides, you guys haven't had time to yourselves since I've been here. I'm sure you could use some space."

"If you change your mind, we're leaving in, like, fifteen minutes." Mercedes told Quinn. "Do you need anything before we go?"

"I'm okay." Quinn promised. "Have fun with your parents. I'll see you later."

"Okay." Mercedes responded as she left the room.

Quinn exhaled slowly and laid back down, trying to get comfortable so she could sleep some more.


Quinn slept on and off for a short while. She woke up sweaty and uncomfortable, so she got out of bed and took a shower. She returned to the bedroom and looked through the closet for something to wear.

Other than the physical changes of pregnancy, Quinn's least favorite part was picking out clothes. Before, she could rely on the safety of her Cheerios uniform or the combination of her dad's money and her personal fashion sense.

All of that went out the window when her belly started growing and everything else happened.

Quinn settled on a pair of maternity leggings and one of the hoodies she had stolen from Puck. It didn't hide her baby bump at all, but it was surprisingly comforting and comfortable. Despite that, she made a mental note to change out of it before Mercedes and her family came home.

Quinn grabbed her phone and decided to go make something to eat. She opened the bedroom door and jumped at the sight of a guy standing there. She recognized him from the photos in the Jones' home.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't realize anyone was home."

Quinn didn't respond.

"I'm Marcus. Mercedes' brother."

"Quinn." Quinn said. "Sorry, I should get out of your way. This is your room."

"I still have finals next week, but I wanted to surprise my mom for Mother's Day." Marcus blurted. "My flight got delayed, so I guess I missed whatever Mercedes planned. I probably should've told her I was coming."

Quinn nodded slowly. "Yeah, they took Mrs. Jones out for breakfast. I'm sure they'll be back soon."

"If they took my mom out, what are you doing here?" Marcus wondered.

"Oh, well, I was trying to rest and shower, but I was actually just on my way to make myself something to eat." Quinn explained.

Marcus nodded. "I'm kind of hungry, too. Do you mind having company?"

"It's your house." Quinn pointed out. "I'm just a visitor."

"Come on. I'll make you something." Marcus offered.

"You don't have to do that." Quinn said. "You just got in, you must be exhausted."

"Come on."

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