Sushi & Spa Nights (Quinn/Mercedes)

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"Hey, Mercedes." Quinn answered her phone.

"Hey, Mama." Mercedes replied. "I hope you're not busy."

"The kids are at school and Noah's taking care of some chores, but I'm not doing much." Quinn stated. "What's up?"

"Sam told me to take a break and spend the day at the spa and get sushi." Mercedes told Quinn. "So I'll be there in, like, ten minutes. How does that sound?"

"Let me make sure Noah will be able to get the kids, and then I'll get dressed." Quinn said. "I'll call you right back."


Quinn hung up the phone, heading to the kitchen before going outside into the backyard.


Puck turned and looked at Quinn.

"Hi." Quinn smiled as she looked her shirtless husband up and down.

"Hi." Puck repeated with a smirk. "What are you up to?"

"Mercedes just called me." Quinn told Puck. "She wants to get sushi and have a spa day."

"Well, I'm almost done here, so I can pick up the kids and entertain them while you're out." Puck offered.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Tell her you can't have sushi." Puck shrugged.

"If I tell her that, she'll know." Quinn pointed out.

"So?" Puck asked. "You can tell Mercedes."

"We haven't even told the kids yet." Quinn noted.

"We told Beth." Puck responded.

"We haven't told Hudson or Lucy." Quinn clarified. "Or our moms. Or Sarah."

"I think Mercedes is gonna react much better than our moms." Puck responded. "And Sarah."

Quinn bit her lip.

"Do whatever you wanna do." Puck told Quinn. "If you don't wanna go, tell her I need you here."

"I don't wanna bail." Quinn muttered. She took a deep breath. "But I don't know if I'll tell her."

"Whatever you wanna do." Puck repeated. "You feeling okay? Need anything?"

"I'm okay." Quinn said. "I'm gonna get dressed and go."

"Call me if you need me." Puck nodded. "And have fun."

"Okay." Quinn nodded back.

"I love you."

"I love you, too. Bye, Max."

Quinn turned around to walk back inside, but Puck gently grabbed her arm and pulled her back for a kiss.

Quinn grinned when they parted. "That's more like it."

"Have fun." Puck smiled as he pulled some cash out of his pocket and handed it to Quinn. "Get your nails done, too. And say hi to Mercedes."

"I will." Quinn said, taking the cash. "Thank you."

Quinn went back inside and called Mercedes as she ran around getting ready. After she was dressed, Quinn shoved lollipops into her purse and headed downstairs as the Mercedes texted her to let her know she was outside.

"Perfect timing."


Quinn greeted Mercedes when she got in the car, but other than that, the ride was mostly silent.

Quinn's phone kept going off, so she pulled it out of her purse.

"Everything okay?" Mercedes asked.

"Sorry." Quinn apologized. "That's Beth. Updates from school."

Mercedes raised her eyebrow.

"She still tells me everything." Quinn added happily. "I really hope that never goes away."

"That's sweet." Mercedes noted. "Especially since she's almost fourteen."

"Yeah, Noah and I are screwed." Quinn joked, still looking at her phone screen. "She said hi."

"Tell her I said hi." Mercedes responded. "And then tell her you're taking the afternoon off."

"I will." Quinn promised, typing back to Beth before putting her phone away. She frowned when she saw they had reached the spa. Mercedes didn't seem to notice, and the pair headed inside.

Quinn got through the spa day easily. Mercedes got a massage, and Quinn opted out of a massage and went for a hydrating facial instead. Both girls got their nails done side-by-side, and were mostly silently enjoying the experience.

Quinn started feeling a little nauseous after breathing in the fumes for a while, so she asked to take a break and excused herself to the bathroom. She took one of the lollipops out of her bag and unwrapped it. She put it in her mouth, biting it off of the stick before returning.

"Sorry." Quinn apologized, holding up her phone. "My daughter just needed something."

"We could've pulled Beth out of school if you wanted her here." Mercedes offered.

"No, she's fine." Quinn promised as she sat back down, putting her phone away and letting the nail technicians continue.

When they finished at the spa, Quinn used her credit card to pay and gave the workers the cash Puck had given her as their tip.

Mercedes and Quinn got back in Mercedes' car and headed to get food.

When they were in the car, Quinn's phone started ringing.

"I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. "It's Noah."

Mercedes nodded.

"Hi, Noah." Quinn answered the call. "Mercedes and I just left the spa. We're on our way to get food."

"Yeah, Beth just texted me that Hudson has a baseball game at five tonight?" Puck responded.

"I completely forgot." Quinn replied. "Can you take him, and I'll come late?"

"Can I make Beth take him?" Puck wondered.

"I think she has plans after school." Quinn noted. "But if not, take Hudson and have Beth take Lucy home, and when I get there, you can go home."

"Okay." Puck said. "You'll be back by five though, right?"

"I'll be back when I'm back." Quinn clarified. "I have to go."

Quinn hung up the phone and looked at Mercedes.

"Do you want me to take you home?" Mercedes offered as she pulled over and parked the car.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Quinn, if you don't wanna hang out with me, just tell me." Mercedes requested. "Because ever since your birthday, which you snuck out of early, I feel like things have been different."

"You didn't." Quinn promised. "It's not like that."

Mercedes nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry if I ruined today for you." Quinn apologized. "And I'm sorry about my birthday. I really appreciated you getting everyone together."

"Mhm." Mercedes muttered.

"Let's go get food."


The girls sat down at the table and looked over the menus, despite always getting the same sushi rolls whenever they went there.

Mercedes ordered her usual, but Quinn ordered some chicken dish.

"If you didn't feel like sushi, we could've went somewhere else." Mercedes told Quinn.

"Mercedes, I-"

"We should just go." Mercedes interrupted as she got up. "I understand being a busy mom with a crazy career and I'm sorry I pulled you away from things when you're clearly in the middle of something, but-"

"Mercedes." Quinn cut her off as she took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant."

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