Baby Daddy (Quicketh+)

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"Here to talk about her new movie, please welcome Quinn Fabray!"

Quinn smiled as she walked out, greeting fans as she joined the hosts.

"Welcome, Quinn. Thanks for being here!"

"Thanks for having me." Quinn responded.

"Let's get started."

"Yeah, you have a lot of fun things coming up: a new movie and a new baby."

"Baby number three for you, right?"

"Yes." Quinn nodded, putting her hand on her baby bump. "This is my third one."

"And do you and your husband share all of your kids?"

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "What?"

"I mean, is your husband the father of all three of them?"

"Do you ask men how many mothers their children have?" Quinn asked. "Or is that question reserved so everyone can judge women?"

"It's just a question. No judgment."

"Well, I came here to talk about the movie." Quinn clarified.

"No, I know that. I just know that your first two kids have a big age gap because you had your first as a teenager. So there's been speculation about the paternity of each of your children."

"Speculation." Quinn repeated with a scoff. "I usually don't dignify inappropriate questions with any kind of response or comment, but I don't want such an upsetting and insulting rumor to spiral, and I won't address this again, but my husband is the biological father of all three of my children."

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