Five Years (Finchel/Quicketh)

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"Thank you guys for letting me give a speech today." Puck began as he looked at Finn and Rachel. "And for those of you who don't know me, I'm Puck. I've been best friends with Finn since we were five."

Everyone kept their attention on Puck as he smiled and went on.

"Finn and I grew up like brothers. We played football together, baseball, basketball... we played video games together every day." Puck said. "He and his family even welcomed me and mine for the holidays when we had no where else to go."

Finn smiled slightly.

"We fought like brothers, too, but usually we'd forgive each other for whatever it was in, like, an hour." Puck explained. "Except for two things: the first time Finn dislocated my shoulder, and girls."

Finn looked at Rachel before looking back at Puck.

"Which is why in high school, we had a tough time repairing the damage we caused, or I caused, fighting over girls." Puck continued. "I mean, when I got his girlfriend pregnant, Finn didn't speak to me for, like, two months for some reason."

The room filled with laughter and eye rolls.

Puck smiled. "On the day Beth was born, Finn said something along the lines of how he'd make a much better godfather than father to her, and things were good again."

Quinn smiled and wrapped her arms around Beth.

"That summer as I navigated being a first-time dad and trying to be a real boyfriend, Finn came to me for relationship advice." Puck added. "Even without him saying it, it was pretty obvious everything was about Rachel. Finn really cared about her and wanted to impress her, which was cool considering he was coming to me for advice."

Finn and Rachel laughed and looked at each other lovingly, curling up closer as they let Puck continue.

"Fast forward to senior year when Finn and Rachel announced their engagement." Puck said. "I was happy for them, but like most of our friends and family, there were some concerns about them being too young for marriage. Safe to say you guys proved everybody wrong there, right?"

The room erupted with applause and cheers for Finn and Rachel. Finn kissed Rachel's cheek.

"Alright, alright, I'm not done." Puck waved his arms with a grin. "Finn always supported me and had my back, so I knew it wasn't even a question that I would be at his wedding. Unfortunately, Quinn and I had to miss the wedding, but Beth said it was fun."

"It was." Beth commented.

Puck smiled. "I'm really glad to be here to celebrate with you guys tonight, and always. So on behalf of me and my girls, let's raise a glass."

Everyone raised their glasses.

"To Finn and Rachel and many, many more anniversaries." Puck toasted.

"To Finn and Rachel."

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