Pregnancy Test (Quinneth)

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"Noah!" Quinn called as she and Beth entered the apartment. "Are you home?"

"Daddy?" Beth called.

Puck didn't answer, so Quinn shrugged and looked at Beth.

"You wanna help me with this?"

"What do I have to do?" Beth wondered.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and pee on one of these." Quinn told Beth. "Then I'm gonna set the timer, and when it's done, you can tell me what it says."

"Okay." Beth smiled. "Can I come with you?"

Quinn nodded. "Come on."

The girls went into their apartment's tiny bathroom and closed the door. Quinn peed on the stick and set it on the counter before washing her hands and setting a timer.

As she set the timer, the memories of previous pregnancy tests came flooding in. First, there was Beth - Quinn had been so young and terrified. Then, there was the positive test when Puck had been home on leave, which she ended up miscarrying.


Quinn snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Beth, suddenly feeling more relaxed. "Yeah, B?"

"How long do we have to wait?" Beth asked.

"A few minutes." Quinn answered, smiling at Beth. She was grateful Beth was there. It was a reminder of how good things can end up.

Beth stood at the counter and kept her eyes on the pregnancy test, waiting eagerly to see if she would become a big sister or not.

"Come here." Quinn said, putting her arms out.

"But I wanna watch it." Beth replied.

"It's never gonna be ready if you're staring at it." Quinn warned Beth. "Come here."

Beth walked into Quinn's arms, and Quinn held her.

"I love you so much, B." Quinn reminded Beth.

"Love you." Beth smiled as Quinn kissed her cheeks.

Quinn held Beth until the timer went off.

Beth squirmed out of Quinn's arms and hurried to grab it. She picked it up and looked at it before looking at Quinn.

"What's it say, B?" Quinn wondered.

"Plus sign." Beth answered with a smile.

"Really?" Quinn asked.

Beth nodded and showed Quinn.

Quinn smiled as she hugged Beth. "You're gonna be a big sister, B."

"Yay!" Beth hugged Quinn tightly and held onto the test excitedly.

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