Location (ND)

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"Today I invited Miss Pillsbury in to talk to you guys about cell phones and online safety." Mr. Schue began as he looked at the redhead.

"No offense, but we're not twelve, Mr. Schue." Santana stated. "I think we know how to be safe online."

"Hasn't half the school seen your nudes?" Rachel retorted, looking at Santana.

"Yeah." Puck added with a smirk.

"Noah." Quinn scolded, elbowing him.

"We're not talking about pictures today." Mr. Schue clarified. "Emma, why don't you get us started?"

"Right." Miss Pillsbury nodded as she looked at the kids. "Let's start by raising our hands when we identify with something. How many of you own a cell phone?"

Everyone's hand went up.

"Good." Miss Pillsbury said as the glee kids put their hands down. "How many of you share your location on social media or with another person?"

Most of the hands went back up.

"Okay." Miss Pillsbury noted. "You can put your hands down. Who wants to tell me why that's not a good idea?"

"It's a stupid idea because then people can stalk you." Rachel replied.

"Oh, please." Santana rolled her eyes. "Who's gonna stalk you?"

"That's correct, Rachel." Miss Pillsbury noted, ignoring the girls' bickering.

"I don't post my location on social media, but I share my location with my friends." Mercedes said. "Which is kinda different."

"Yeah, me, too." Tina agreed.

"What happens if your phone gets stolen or hacked?" Miss Pillsbury wondered.

"The kids at this school aren't smart enough to know how to do that." Kurt chuckled. "Dalton, maybe, but not here."

"Okay." Miss Pillsbury nodded, glancing at Mr. Schue. She looked around the room and paused on Quinn. "Quinn, you raised your hand when I asked who shares their location with others or on social media. Wanna talk about that?"

"Well, I share my location with Noah." Quinn explained. "So if he's at practice and I'm taking Beth to a doctor's appointment or a class or something, we both know about it."

"Do you share your location on social media? Or with anyone else?" Miss Pillsbury wondered.

"Not on social media." Quinn shook her head. "Finn and Santana have my location, too, and I have most of the glee club's locations."

"That's because you're the mom friend." Mercedes smiled.

Quinn smiled back.

"I share mine with Puck." Finn said. "And Kurt."

"Yeah, and I share mine with Blaine, too." Kurt added. "And Mercedes, Tina, and Quinn."

"Britt and I share ours with each other." Santana chimed in.

"I don't have yours." Brittany stated.

"Yes you do." Santana told her.

"Oh." Brittany muttered. "Well, then I don't know how to check it."

"Why do all of you share your locations?" Sam asked.

"Because it's fun." Finn told him.

"Totally." Puck agreed. "I have Quinn, Finn, Mike, and Artie."

"Okay." Sam nodded as he took out his phone.

"No, no, guys, this is the exact opposite of the lesson!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Someone's mad because nobody cares where she is." Santana laughed.

"Here, Rachel." Finn said, pulling out his phone. "We can share ours."

"Guys, can we put our phones away and give our attention back to Miss Pillsbury?" Mr. Schue requested.

The room quieted down as everyone pocketed their phones and looked at their guidance counselor.

"Let's go back to basics." Miss Pillsbury decided. "Have you guys ever heard of a digital footprint?"

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