Consequences (Quicketh+fam)

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"Hey, babe." Puck answered his phone.

"Hey." Quinn said. "I'm on my way to pick up Hudson and Lucy from school."

"I'll be heading home in a little bit, so wait for me for dinner?" Puck requested.

"Yeah." Quinn promised. "We can order in."

"Sounds good." Puck noted. "I'll see you soon then."

"Wait." Quinn muttered. "I wanted to talk to you about Beth."

"Beth?" Puck repeated. "I thought she's at that sleepover tonight."

"She is." Quinn confirmed. "But I wanted you to know she got into some trouble at school."

"What kind of trouble?" Puck wondered.

"She was caught cutting class, which wasn't the first time, apparently." Quinn explained. "But I spoke to her, and they spoke to her, and they'll continue the conversation on Monday."

"Why the hell is she at a sleepover if she's in trouble at school?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"We already told her she could go." Quinn reminded Puck. "We can talk about it when she comes home tomorrow."

"If she's in trouble at school, she's in trouble at home." Puck noted.

"Noah." Quinn sighed. "She's a good kid."

"Which is why we're gonna deal with this." Puck stated.

"Tomorrow when she gets home." Quinn agreed.


"I'll see you at home."

"See you at home."

Puck hung up the phone as he headed to his car. He got in and exhaled as he began driving.


"Dad? What are you doing here?" Beth questioned Puck.

"Get your stuff." Puck commanded. "Let's go."

"What?" Beth asked. "I told you I'm sleeping over."

"That was before." Puck noted. "Go get your stuff."

Beth furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm gonna wait in the car." Puck decided. "If you're not out there in the next five minutes, I'll come back to help you get your stuff."

"Fine." Beth hissed.

Puck walked away and got back in his car, scrolling through his phone while he waited for Beth.

A few minutes later, Beth banged on the window.

"If you want me to get in the car, you have to unlock the doors."

Puck unlocked the doors and watched the brunette throw her things into the backseat. Beth slammed the door shut before getting in the passenger seat.

"Buckle up." Puck ordered.

Beth buckled her seatbelt and folded her arms.


"Mom!" Beth yelled as she led the way into the house.

Puck rolled his eyes as he followed the brunette to the kitchen.

"You picked her up?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"I told you we were gonna talk about it." Puck said.

"I thought we agreed we'd talk tomorrow when she came home." Quinn stated.

"If you guys are gonna ground me, just do it." Beth told Quinn and Puck. "Because I have to do homework and then I'll have to think of ways to fix this with my friends."

"Okay." Puck smirked. "Have a seat."

Beth sat down on the bench and folded her arms.

"The thing is, if you came in here mature and calm, or even apologetic, I would've driven you right back to that sleepover." Puck began. "But you wanna stomp around and be disrespectful, then we'll do things another way."

"Dad, wait, I'm-"

"Too late." Puck cut Beth off. "When you get in trouble at school, you get in trouble at home. Got it?"

"Got it." Beth echoed.

"Okay." Puck continued. "So you're grounded for a week."

"A week?" Beth repeated.

"Minimum." Puck nodded. "If you continue to cut class or talk back to your teachers, we'll discuss this again."

"Fine." Beth said softly. "Grounded means what exactly? No phone? No driving lessons? Fine with me."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Quinn.

"B, why don't you go upstairs?" Quinn suggested. "Your father and I will discuss the details of you being grounded alone first."

"Exciting." Beth muttered as she got up and left the room.

"You should've told me you were gonna pull her from the sleepover." Quinn stated.

"Well, last time I checked, I didn't need your permission to parent our daughter." Puck pointed out.

"You don't." Quinn nodded in agreement. "But as your wife and her mother, you still should've told me."

"We've never had to be tough on her, so if we have to amp it up now to keep her on the right track, let's do it." Puck responded. "But we have to be on the same page."

"Right." Quinn said. "Since this is her first offense, I think missing the sleepover is punishment enough."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"She's been looking forward to it for, like, a month." Quinn reminded Puck. "And she's a good kid. Besides, she does so much for us."

"Fine." Puck gave in. "But can we let her think this was my idea?"

"She's not gonna think that." Quinn warned Puck.

Puck looked at Quinn.

"Tell her whatever you want." Quinn said in defeat.

"Okay." Puck said. "Let's go talk to her."


"B, we wanna talk to you." Puck said as he knocked on Beth's door.

Beth opened the door and looked at her parents. "Yes?"

"You're a good kid." Puck began. "You do a lot for me and your mom and your siblings."

Beth nodded slowly.

"So we decided that your punishment is only missing the sleepover." Puck informed Beth.

"But if you continue cutting class, we're gonna ground you." Quinn added. "Like your dad said before, if you get in trouble at school-"

"I get in trouble at home." Beth nodded. "Got it. Thanks, guys."


"Beth's been in her room since we got home." Puck noted. "You think she's pissed about missing the sleepover?"

"She'll get over it." Quinn insisted. "Don't cave."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"You can't go from wanting to ground her for a week to only making her miss the sleepover to nothing." Quinn pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Puck agreed. "Let's say goodnight to her."

Quinn nodded, and the pair headed upstairs. They knocked on Beth's door.

No answer.

They knocked again.

"Beth, can we come in?"

"Yeah, we just wanted to say goodnight."

No answer.

Quinn took a deep breath as she opened the door. As expected, Beth's bed was empty and her window was open.

"She's gone."

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