Cannon (Unholy Trinity/Brittana)

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"Don't worry, I'll talk to Mr. Schue and take care of this." Quinn promised Brittany.

Brittany nodded slowly, unafraid and unsure.

Santana took her hand, leading her away to distract her from her fears and take her home.

Quinn headed back inside and found Mr. Schue grading papers in his office. She lightly knocked on his open door.

Mr. Schue looked up and smiled. "Hey, Quinn."

"Hey." Quinn repeated. "I was hoping you had a second to talk?"

"Yeah, of course." Mr. Schue nodded. "Come in."

Quinn entered the office and sat down across from Mr. Schue.

"Did something happen at Cheerios practice?" Mr. Schue guessed, knowing that's where Quinn came from.

"It's Coach Sylvester." Quinn shrugged. "I mean, we all knew she was..."

"Intense." Mr. Schue finished when Quinn trailed off. "What happened?"

"She wants to shoot Brittany out of a cannon as a stunt in our Nationals performance." Quinn explained.

"What?" Mr. Schue asked. "That's crazy."

"Yeah." Quinn nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to Figgins and make this go away." Mr. Schue promised.

"Thank you." Quinn said as she got up.

"Quinn." Mr. Schue replied. "Thanks for coming to talk to me."

Quinn smiled. "See you in class, Mr. Schue."

"See you."


"Santana, I'm not ready to die." Brittany whimpered.

"Hey, hey." Santana frowned. "Nobody's dying. You're not going in that stupid cannon."

"But what if Coach Sylvester makes me?" Brittany asked.

"I won't let her." Santana promised. "And besides, Quinn's talking to Mr. Schue."

"She said the cannon misses me." Brittany added.

"The cannon does miss you, but you and the cannon both know it's safer for you to be apart." Santana stated.

"Yeah, I guess so." Brittany muttered. She sighed and looked at Santana with a smile. "Thanks for protecting me."

Santana smiled back. "What are friends for?"

"Best friends." Brittany corrected Santana.

"Best friends."

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