Rehab (Quicketh+)

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"Ruth." Quinn said softly as she entered the living room. "I'm gonna go see Noah."

Ruth nodded slowly.

"Do you wanna come with me?" Quinn offered.

"I'm okay here." Ruth decided, her eyes still on the TV.

Quinn stood in front of the TV and looked at her mother-in-law.

Ruth looked at Quinn.

"You need to stop holding this against him." Quinn stated. "He's doing much better than he was when he decided to go."

"He had drugs here." Ruth reminded Quinn. "They're getting old enough to remember these things. That's not what a normal father does."

"And how would he know what a normal father is supposed to do?" Quinn retorted, folding her arms.

Ruth didn't say anything.

"He needs us." Quinn went on. "He needs our love and support, but he also needs us to trust him. And I do, but I need you to, especially for the kids."

Ruth still didn't say anything.

"I'm going to see him." Quinn said. "And he might be coming home today, so-"

"He's not coming home today." Ruth interrupted.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrows.

"He's been an addict since he was thirteen." Ruth noted. "Cigarettes, liquor, pills, whatever he could get his hands on. They're not gonna let him go after only a month."

"They will if he's ready." Quinn stated.

"If they let him go now, he'll be back there next week." Ruth warned Quinn. "I know my son. He's not ready."

"Well, I know my husband." Quinn responded. "And I'm going to see him."


"You came."

"I promised I would." Quinn said, putting a smile on her face as she got up to greet Puck with a kiss. "Hi."

"Hi." Puck repeated when they parted. "Let's sit."

Quinn nodded, and she and Puck sat down at the table with Max on the floor between them.

"This is much better than those times I got arrested, huh?" Puck teased, breaking the silence.

"Much better." Quinn agreed with a genuine smile.

"There she is." Puck noted. "I miss you."

"I miss you, too." Quinn said. "How are you doing?"

"Good." Puck answered. "I've been so busy here. I have doctors here, and my therapist comes once a week, and we have group therapy and stuff like that."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"But it's going well." Puck added. "And I've been working on a new song, too."

"And how do you feel?" Quinn asked.

"Alive." Puck shrugged. "Awake. The first week, I was really bad. I wanted to quit everything cold turkey, so I had withdrawal symptoms and the doctors pulled the plug on that and we started off slow."

"And now?" Quinn wondered.

"It's only been a few weeks, but I'm doing better." Puck assured Quinn as he pet Max.

"I'm really glad." Quinn said. "You seem more like your old self. I was just wondering..."

Puck looked at Quinn.

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