First Names (Quicketh)

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"Daddy." Beth called as she entered the kitchen.

"One second, B." Puck muttered as he continued talking on the phone.

"Noah!" Beth exclaimed.

Puck excused himself from the call and hung up, raising his eyebrow as he looked at the six-year-old, who was giggling. "What did you just call me?"

"Noah." Beth said with a smirk. "'Cause that's your name."

"Daddy." Puck corrected Beth. "I earned that."

"Noah." Beth grinned.

"Cut it out, B." Puck commanded.

"Noah, Noah, Noah." Beth repeated as she laughed.

"You don't call me that." Puck told Beth. "You call your parents Mommy and Daddy, okay?"

"Okay, Noah." Beth nodded.

"Quinn!" Puck yelled. "Can you come in here, please?"

Quinn exhaled as she entered the kitchen. "What do you need, babe?"

"Can you talk to your daughter?" Puck requested.

"My daughter?" Quinn raised her eyebrow. "What did she do?"

Puck looked at Beth. "Go ahead, B. Tell Mommy what you're doing."

"Nothing." Beth lied as she looked at Quinn. "Quinn."

"Excuse me?" Quinn asked.

"She's been calling me Noah the past five minutes." Puck informed Quinn as he looked at Beth. "What did I tell you? You don't call us by our first names."

"But Quinn and Noah are nice names." Beth responded.

"A daughter doesn't call her parents by their first names, even if they're nice names." Puck told Beth.

Beth smirked as she looked from Puck to Quinn. "Noah and Quinn. Quinn and Noah."

"That's it." Quinn decided. "Go up to your room."

"But I wanna go swimming." Beth explained.

"And now you're gonna go up to your room and think about this whole situation." Quinn said. "You're not going swimming today."

"But that's not fair!" Beth whined.

"You heard your mother." Puck said. "Go upstairs."

"I'm sorry." Beth apologized. "I won't call you Quinn and Noah ever again."

"Go upstairs, B." Puck commanded. "Now."

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