Birds and Bees (Quicketh+fam)

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"Noah." Quinn said. "Have you talked to Hudson?"

"About what?" Puck wondered.

"The talk." Quinn replied. "Because Beth and I had that talk when she was, like, eleven."

"Eleven?!" Puck exclaimed. "Really?"

"I got my first period when I was thirteen, so I wanted her to be prepared and feel comfortable asking questions." Quinn clarified. "And she was. And is."

"Guys don't really do the whole sit-down-and-talk-about-sex-with-your-kid thing." Puck noted. "So since you were so good with Beth, can't you talk to Hudson?"

"Uh uh." Quinn shook her head. "We have three daughters and one son. You can handle this."

"Is Hudson even interested in sex or anything?" Puck asked. "I mean, shouldn't we wait until he brings it up and not introduce him to the idea of it?"

"Yeah, because celibacy and not talking about sex really worked out well for me." Quinn muttered. "He's twelve, Noah. He's ready to talk about this with you."

"Can't this wait another year?" Puck requested. "I didn't lose my virginity 'til I was thirteen."

"You need to talk to him about sex and dating and girls." Quinn commanded. "And you need to do it now. No more putting it off or waiting. Got it?"

"Got it."


"Hey, Puck."

"Hey, Kurt." Puck said. "Hope I didn't catch you at a bad time. I wanna talk to you about something."

"I'm on my way home from picking up dinner, so shoot." Kurt replied.

"I always forget about the time difference between L.A. and New York." Puck noted. "Anyway, it's about Hudson."

"What about him?" Kurt asked.

"It's just that Quinn and I have been talking, and she wants me to have the talk with him." Puck explained. "Sex, dating, STDs, protection, whatever."

"Okay." Kurt muttered, not sure where Puck was going.

"The thing is, I'm really knowledgeable about sex." Puck continued. "But he's twelve and I don't think he's ready for that."

"What makes you say that?" Kurt wondered.

"I don't know." Puck shrugged. "I don't even think he's into girls."

"So you want me to give him the talk?" Kurt concluded.

"No." Puck responded. "But you guys talk a lot, has he said anything to you?"

"Hudson isn't gay." Kurt informed Puck. "And I think Quinn's right to want you to have the talk with him."

"Really?" Puck asked.

"Oh yeah." Kurt said. "Besides, I think he has a girlfriend."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "He does?"

"I'm pretty sure, yeah." Kurt told Puck. "I just got home, so I have to go, but go easy on him and educate him."

"Thanks, Kurt."

Puck hung up the phone and exhaled slowly. "Babe?"

"Yeah?" Quinn called back.

"Did you know Hudson has a girlfriend?"

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