Graduation (Quick)

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Quinn parked her car and got out. She walked up to the Puckerman house and knocked on the front door. She waited for a while until the door opened and Puck's mother stood there.


"Hi, Mrs. Puckerman." Quinn replied.

"Noah isn't here." Ruth said.

"I know." Quinn nodded. "I'm here to see you actually."

"What did he do now?" Ruth sighed.

"Nothing." Quinn assured Ruth. "Do you have a few minutes to talk? Can I come in?"

"Yeah, yeah, come in." Ruth said, letting Quinn in.

Quinn stepped inside and looked at Ruth, trying to ignore the mess that was always the Puckerman house.

"Can I get you anything?" Ruth offered. "I'd let you stay for dinner, but Sarah's at a friend's house and I think it's a takeout night."

"No, that's okay." Quinn shook her head. "I'm not staying long."

"Well, have a seat." Ruth said as she sat down on the couch.

Quinn sat down and looked at Ruth.

"I haven't seen Noah in a few days." Ruth noted. "Has he been going to school?"

"He has." Quinn said. "Everything is fine. I'm here with some good news."

Ruth gave Quinn a look.

"We found out that Noah's graduating today." Quinn informed Ruth.

"He's eighteen." Ruth stated. "Most people graduate at eighteen."

"He was flunking out." Quinn said. "But he worked really hard, and it's official."

"Well, he did better than James anyway." Ruth nodded.

"Aren't you happy for him?" Quinn wondered. "I mean, aren't you proud? Don't you wanna celebrate?"

"Of course I'm happy for him." Ruth responded. "But graduating high school is expected."

"Things haven't been easy for him." Quinn reminded Ruth.

"And most of that was his own fault." Ruth stated.

"You've never been to a single football game." Quinn noted. "Or glee club competition."

Ruth didn't say anything.

"I came over here to give you my extra ticket to graduation." Quinn informed Ruth as she handed her the ticket. "Noah didn't think he was graduating, so he didn't get any tickets, and we're all allowed to get two, so I have a spare."

Ruth still didn't say anything.

Quinn took a deep breath as she got up. "I hope my mom and I see you there."

Quinn walked to the door and opened it, pausing when she saw Puck.

"Q? Hey." Puck smiled. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just leaving." Quinn said. "I thought Finn mentioned doing something with you after school today."

"Yeah, I was just stopping home for something." Puck replied. "Do you wanna come hang out with us?"

"No, I should get home." Quinn told Puck. "I'll see you tomorrow."


Quinn took a deep breath as she exited the curtain onto the stage in the auditorium, smiling as the room roared with cheers from her friends, family, and complete strangers.

Quinn hugged Miss Pillsbury and got her diploma, her grin growing larger when she spotted Puck's mother beside hers. She took her place on the stage beside Santana, who was between Puck and Finn while they played and sang their song.

When Puck's name was called, Quinn watched him go up to get his diploma.

Puck turned around to walk back, grinning at Quinn as he stood beside her. He nodded at her and winked.

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