Ring (Quick/Santana)

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"Santana!" Quinn yelled as she banged on the apartment door. "Are you home?"

Santana opened the door and looked at Quinn. "What are you doing?"

"Noah asked me to marry him." Quinn blurted, panicked.

"You've been together for, like, three years, you have an eight-year-old, and you're pregnant with his second baby." Santana noted. "A proposal surprises you?"

"It's not about the proposal." Quinn responded. "It's about the ring."

"It wasn't big enough?" Santana guessed.

"No, I need your help." Quinn stated. "I lost the ring, and I need to replace it before Noah finds out. You went to the jewelry store with him, right?"

"No." Santana shook her head. "He did it all by himself."

"Crap." Quinn said. "What do I do?"

"Don't you have pictures of it?" Santana asked. "Just go to the store and show them and they'll find a replacement."

Quinn nodded slowly. "Yeah, yeah, I guess I could do that."

"I'll come with you." Santana decided. "I wanna see how this goes."


"Crap." Quinn said. "There's Noah."

"Where?" Santana asked.

"There!" Quinn exclaimed, pointing him out to Santana. "Maybe he doesn't see us. Hide."

"Kinda hard to do that when you're, like, six months pregnant." Santana noted.

"Just... crap, he saw us." Quinn muttered. "Don't say anything, okay?"

Puck walked over and looked at the girls. "Hey."

"Hey." Quinn smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Puck wondered. "I thought you didn't feel good."

"I dragged her out of the apartment." Santana said. "I figured fresh air could be good for her."

"Fresh air at the mall?" Puck raised his eyebrow.

"I had to make a quick stop." Santana nodded. "Where's Beth?"

"Jake's watching her." Puck responded. "What do you need from the jewelry store?"

"We're going clothes shopping." Santana told Puck. "I have a date night with Brittany, and Quinn's gonna help me pick something out."

"Really?" Puck asked.

"Yeah." Santana said.

"That's interesting." Puck muttered. "'Cause to get over here, you passed all your favorite stores. So I assumed since you're standing right outside the jewelry store that that's where you're headed."

Santana shook her head. "Nope."

"This is the place I got Quinn's engagement ring." Puck added. "Did she show you it?"

"Yeah." Santana lied. "She showed me this morning."

"Really?" Puck asked, folding his arms in amusement.

"Stop." Quinn said. "Both of you."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I lost my ring, so I came here with Santana to replace it." Quinn confessed. "I'm so sorry."

"You could've told me." Puck said.

"I didn't want you to be upset." Quinn responded. "You picked it out for me and it's so beautiful and..."

Quinn trailed off as Puck held up the ring.

"Where did you find that?" Quinn asked, her eyes widening.

"I found it in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom." Puck told Quinn.

"I took it off when I showered last night and I put it in there so it wouldn't fall into the sink." Quinn remembered. "I completely forgot."

Puck nodded slowly as he put the ring back on Quinn's finger. "I figured you'd put it back on this morning, but I just stopped home to drop off some of the stuff, and I saw it was still there."

"Thank you." Quinn said. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful."

"I don't care about the ring." Puck promised. "I just care about marrying you."

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