New Rules (Quick/Unholy Trinity)

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"Sorry I'm late." Quinn apologized as she got in the car. "I got a late start today."

"What's that?" Santana asked, eyeing Quinn's large cooler bag.

"I promised Finn I'd make jello shots." Quinn answered. "Which, speaking of alcohol, I need you to do me a favor."

Santana nodded slowly.

"Don't let me sneak off with Noah." Quinn requested. "Whenever we all get together, he and I always-"

"Fuck around?" Santana guessed with a smirk.

"I was gonna say fall back into old habits." Quinn said. "Especially when we drink."

Santana paused. "Wait a minute, you're calling him Noah. Did you two fall back into old habits last night?"

"Come on, we're gonna be late." Quinn noted.

"You totally did!" Santana exclaimed.

"We're gonna be late." Quinn repeated.

"We're already late." Santana pointed out. "I need more details."

"Santana." Quinn scolded.

"You want my help, right?" Santana asked. "Tell me what you need."

"A few weeks ago, I was at this party at school." Quinn began. "I had a little too much to drink, and I ended up video-chatting Noah."

"Noah." Santana repeated with a smirk.

"Whatever we talked about on that call broke the tension between us, and we started texting and checking in regularly." Quinn told Santana. "We kept talking about visiting each other or hanging out when we were both in Lima."

"And obviously you were both flying in for the holidays and Finn's Christmas party." Santana added.

"Exactly." Quinn nodded. "I got in last night and he had been texting me to come over."

"Was he drinking?" Santana asked.

"He was." Quinn said. "And I may or may not have had a drink or two on my flight, so I went over there."

"And you guys kept drinking." Santana noted.

"Yeah." Quinn confirmed. "And one thing led to another."

"So don't be surprised when there's another accidental pregnancy?" Santana teased.

Quinn rolled her eyes. "I don't know why I bother telling you anything."

"Okay, okay, I'll be serious." Santana promised. "Listen to me."

Quinn looked at Santana.

"First things first, don't answer your phone when you're drinking or when you're lonely." Santana decided. "Second, no more going to see him late at night or inviting him to see you."

"I can do that." Quinn decided.

"And finally the tough love." Santana continued. "You guys aren't friends. Don't check in with each other. Neither of you care how the other's day was. You both just care about how hot and horny you are."

"Wow." Quinn muttered.

"I'm sorry." Santana apologized. "But come on, Quinn. Do you ever see Puck settling down? I mean, what would happen if you got pregnant again and you guys got married? One of you would probably cheat and you'd hate each other forever."

"Just don't let me go home with him, okay?" Quinn said again. "Let's go, we're gonna be late."


Quinn couldn't stop thinking about what Santana said. She never really thought about what would happen if she got pregnant again or if she married Puck, but at the same time, she always imagined him settling down with her, if he ever chose to settle down.

Quinn was in the kitchen getting another drink when Puck came in.

"Hey." Puck said.

"Hey." Quinn repeated.

"You look pretty." Puck told Quinn as he walked to the fridge and opened it, searching for another beer.

"Thanks." Quinn said as she watched Puck.

Puck grabbed a beer and closed the fridge. He opened it and looked at Quinn. "I had fun last night."

"Mhm." Quinn muttered, sipping her drink.

"You okay?" Puck asked.

"Mhm." Quinn nodded.

"You're all quiet." Puck noted. "So if you wanna talk about last night, or anything, I'm here."

"You can't be." Quinn stated.

"What?" Puck wondered.

"You can't be here." Quinn clarified. "For me. We can't do whatever it is we're doing."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"If we keep doing this, one of us is gonna get hurt." Quinn warned Puck. "I'll get pregnant again and then we'll get married and cheat on each other and-"

"Where is this coming from?" Puck interrupted. "'Cause it doesn't sound like it's coming from you."

On cue, Santana and Finn entered the kitchen.

"Hey, guys." Santana said with a smile. "Hope we're not interrupting."

"Not at all." Quinn responded. "What's up?"

"I was hoping I could borrow Puck for a second." Santana replied. "Puck?"

"I need a cigarette." Puck decided as he walked away, followed by Santana.

"What's that about?" Finn questioned Quinn.

"No idea." Quinn lied.

Finn nodded slowly. "Hey, did you remember the jello shots?"

"Of course." Quinn nodded back. "They're in the fridge."

"Sweet, thanks!" Finn exclaimed. "We should do one together when Puck and Santana come back."

"Yeah." Quinn said, exhaling as she heard Puck and Santana's bickering grow louder and louder until they returned to the kitchen.

"Everything okay?" Finn wondered.

"Everything's good." Santana promised. "What'd we miss?"

"Finn and I were waiting for you two to do jello shots." Quinn answered, looking at Santana.

"Like old times." Finn added.

"Like old times." Puck repeated in agreement. "Let's do it."

The four each grabbed a jello shot from the fridge and took the lids off.

"Bottoms up."


"Cheers." Quinn repeated, clinking her plastic cup against Puck's with a smile.

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