Obgyn (Quicketh)

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Musician Noah Puckerman seen leaving obgyn with young brunette

Quinn closed her eyes, but the headline kept popping up over and over again in her mind. She prayed to distract herself while she waited for the plane to take off.

"Excuse me, are you Quinn Fabray?"

Quinn opened her eyes and looked at the woman standing in front of her. She never said no to pictures with fans when asked and she never lied.


"Quinn Fabray. My daughter is a huge fan."

"I am, but I'm actually not supposed to be on this flight." Quinn replied. "So I'm trying to stay hidden."

The woman nodded. "Right, sorry."

"How old is your daughter?" Quinn blurted, stopping the woman from walking away.

"Fourteen. She just started high school this year, and she wants to be an actress just like you."

"That's really sweet." Quinn smiled. "I appreciate that. Thank you."

The woman smiled back.

"Do you have a marker? I'd love to write her a little note and give her an autograph." Quinn offered. "As long as you think that's something she'd like."

"That could win me Mom of the Year."

Quinn nodded as the woman handed her a marker. "What's your daughter's name?"



When the flight landed, Quinn raced off of the plane. She hadn't checked a bag, so she hurried out of the airport into a car.

Quinn arrived at Puck's house shortly after. She jumped out of the car and walked up to the door, trying to stay calm, but losing it more and more with every step.

Suddenly, Quinn was banging on the door.

The door opened, and Quinn was greeted by Puck's housekeeper.

"Hi, Miss Fabray."

"Hi, Mel." Quinn smiled politely. "Noah's not expecting me, but I'm hoping he's around."

"He's upstairs." Mel said. "Go ahead."

"Thank you." Quinn replied as she walked away. She went upstairs and found Puck in his music room. He was seated at the piano bench, but he wasn't playing anything.

As soon as Quinn appeared in the doorway, Puck noticed her.


Puck pulled the cover over the keys of the piano and stood up. "What are you doing here?"

"Where's Beth?" Quinn wondered. "The three of us should talk."

"Maybe you and I should talk first." Puck suggested as he walked over to Quinn. "'Cause I'm trying to be really careful about all of this."

"She's the one who should've been careful." Quinn noted. "And you should've called me."

"I did." Puck nodded. "I left you a message to call me and I texted you after the appointment."

"I didn't get it." Quinn stated. "Besides, you know just as well as I do that the paparazzi will always find us."

"It wasn't like I accidentally found something out and dragged her to the doctor." Puck explained. "Beth came to me about it, and she asked me to let her tell you herself."

"What'd the doctor say?" Quinn wondered.


Quinn turned around and looked at Beth. "You begged me to let you live in L.A. with your father this year, and this is what you do?"

"Quinn." Puck scolded. "Beth, go downstairs, okay?"

"No." Quinn said. "No, you're not running from this."

Beth looked at Puck.

"They're gonna call her with the test results." Puck informed Quinn. "B, excuse us."

Beth walked away, leaving her parents alone.

"She's terrified, Quinn." Puck informed Quinn. "She's afraid of it being positive, she's afraid of what's gonna happen if it's positive, and she needs us. You of all people should know how she feels."

"I do." Quinn nodded. "Believe me I do, but..."

Puck looked at Quinn when she trailed off.

"I love Beth more than anything, and I don't regret her for a second, but this was hard." Quinn stated. "I don't want that for her."

"Neither do I, but it's gonna be okay." Puck pointed out. "Whatever happens, we'll figure it out."

Quinn bit her lip.

"She needs you." Puck told Quinn. "I know she came to me, but you and I both know you'll be better at this than me."

"We're too young to be grandparents, Noah." Quinn replied.

Puck let out a nervous laugh. "It's gonna be okay. Come here."

Quinn took a deep breath and let Puck hold her in his arms.

"It's gonna be okay." Puck repeated, rubbing Quinn's back. "Plus, we don't even know if it's happening yet, and if it is, she has options."

Quinn nodded and held onto Puck.

"Dad. Mom."

Quinn and Puck parted and looked at Beth, who had just returned.

"The doctor just called."

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