Propose Already (Quicketh)

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"Hey, babe." Puck smiled when Quinn entered the apartment.

Quinn walked right past him, heading to the bedroom and slamming the door shut behind her.

Puck furrowed his eyebrows as he knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Everything okay?"

"Fine." Quinn insisted.

"I'm gonna leave to get Beth in, like, ten minutes, if you wanna come." Puck said.

"No, thanks." Quinn responded.

"Everything okay?" Puck asked again.

"Noah, what are we doing?" Quinn blurted.

"What do you mean?" Puck wondered.

"Are we gonna play this game forever?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"What game?" Puck furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

"Before you went away, we talked about our future." Quinn reminded Puck. "You knew what I wanted, and I thought you were gonna propose when I graduated Yale. Or when you got discharged. I mean, five of my college friends have gotten engaged before me, and I need to know that we're moving towards everything we've talked about because if not-"

"We are." Puck interrupted Quinn.

"When?" Quinn demanded.

"The first time I asked you to marry me, you said no." Puck reminded Quinn. "I wanna make it special."

"I don't need special." Quinn pointed out.

"Will you let me do this?" Puck requested.

"Okay, but when?" Quinn asked again. "How many kids do we have to have before I get a ring?"

"It's not like that, babe." Puck shook his head. "You know I wanna marry you."

"Then prove it." Quinn commanded.

"Give me some time." Puck said.

"Fine." Quinn gave in. "But until then, don't expect any intimacy from me."

Puck chuckled and looked at Quinn. "Wait, are you serious?"

"Completely." Quinn confirmed.

"So we're not gonna have sex until we're engaged?" Puck double-checked.

"That's right." Quinn nodded.

"Don't you think that's a little..." Puck trailed off as Quinn folded her arms and looked at him. "Crazy?"

"I think it's pretty reasonable, actually." Quinn noted. "Go pick Beth up."




"Hey." Quinn said as she entered the apartment. "So I was thinking."

Puck looked at her.

"Maybe I was a little hasty when I took sex off the table." Quinn stated.

"I'm listening." Puck noted.

"What do you say to a date night?" Quinn wondered. "I can see if Santana or Jake will take Beth for the night, and we can go out to dinner and come back here and be together."

"Why don't we just order in?" Puck suggested. "We can shower together and then take a break when the food gets here and eat and continue."



"Noah, it's December first." Quinn commented. "And Beth's at school."

"Yeah." Puck said with a smirk. "Come here."

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