Thanksgivings (Fabrays/Puck)

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"Hey." Quinn said, walking over to Puck when she spotted him in the hall. "What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"

"My mom's working and Sarah's out with her friends, so.." Puck shrugged. "I'll have the house to myself, if you wanna come over."

"Nice try." Quinn shook her head. "You're coming to the Fabray Thanksgiving."

"Uh, no thanks." Puck responded. "Your mom hates me, remember?"

"Yeah, I wonder why." Quinn teased.

Puck made a face.

"My sister called yesterday." Quinn informed Puck. "She wants us to join her and my dad for Thanksgiving in Chicago, and my mom said yes."

"If your dad's gonna be there, I'm definitely not going." Puck insisted. "And neither is Beth. Besides, I usually pop in at Finn's for dessert."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"You know I can't afford a plane ticket." Puck shook his head.

"I'll handle it." Quinn promised. "Please."

"I don't wanna go." Puck told her.

"I'll make it up to you." Quinn promised. "I can't do this on my own."

Puck took a deep breath and nodded slowly. "Fine, but don't think I won't come to collect after."



"At least we got through the plane ride without my mother killing you." Quinn commented as she and Puck waited in the hotel lobby while Judy checked in.

"Are we sharing a bed at least or what?" Puck asked, not listening to Quinn.

"Quinn will share the king with me upstairs." Judy answered as she walked over to the pair. "You'll take the couchbed."

"Upstairs?" Puck repeated. "This place is insane. What's the minibar like?"

Judy looked at Puck.

"I'm kidding." Puck responded, and the trio headed to the elevators. They went up to their room.

"I expect you to be on your best behavior." Judy told Puck as she led the teenagers into the hotel room. "No disappearing and no surprise guests."

"So, like, curfew?" Puck asked.

"Shower and go to bed, Noah." Quinn advised him, giving him a look.

"Night." Puck smirked as he put his bag down and laid on the couch.

Quinn and Judy went upstairs to their room.

"We should get to bed." Quinn noted. "You can shower first, if you want."

"Thanks, honey." Judy replied.



"Hey." Puck repeated. "Mercedes just texted me. She said Beth's doing good and her family loves having her."

"I hate not being with her." Quinn said.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, she's never gonna remember that we weren't there for her first Thanksgiving." Puck stated.

"I know, but we'll remember." Quinn replied. "And that's not the kind of mom I wanna be."

"You're not." Puck promised. "But baby, say the word and we'll get out of here."

"As tempting as that sounds, I actually came down here to talk." Quinn informed Puck. "My mom's asleep."

"You know, I never knew there were hotel rooms with stairs and second floors." Puck noted. "The Fabrays are richer than I thought."

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