Father's Day (Hudson-Hummels/ND)

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"You overslept." Kurt noted as Burt came downstairs. "Are you ready to go?"

Burt nodded. "Yes."

"Then let's go." Kurt said, leading the way outside. "Oh, and happy Father's Day, Dad."

"Oh, thanks." Burt responded with a smile as he followed Kurt outside.

The Hummels got in the car, and Kurt began driving.

"Now do I get to know what you planned for today?" Burt wondered. "Or why we had to get up before the sun today?"

"The sun is up already." Kurt noted. "And we had to have breakfast early because today's gonna be a busy day and I wanted the two of us to get some private father-son time."

Burt nodded.

"So we're starting the day with breakfast." Kurt continued. "And later we're having lunch with Carole, Finn, and Blaine."

"Well, good." Burt responded. "I'm glad you scheduled some one-on-one time."

Kurt smiled. "Me, too."


"We're back!" Kurt announced as he and Burt entered the Hudson-Hummel home.

"Happy Father's Day, Burt." Finn smiled as he came to the door to greet Burt with a hug.

"Thank you." Burt smiled back when he and Finn parted.

"How was breakfast?" Carole asked after greeting Burt with a kiss.

"Breakfast was really good." Burt answered, putting his arm over Kurt's shoulders. "Kurt treated me, and the two of us got to catch up. He also told me we have a big day ahead of us."

"Yeah, we're going to lunch this afternoon." Finn nodded. "To that cool burger place you and I used to go to."

"Cool." Burt nodded back. "I heard Blaine's coming?"

"He is." Kurt replied. "Blaine will be here soon, so why don't we do some gifts while we wait for him?"

"Gifts?" Burt repeated. "Come on, Kurt. I said don't go crazy this year."

"We didn't." Kurt insisted. "Finn and I just got you a few things for the shop. And some other things you needed."

"Thank you." Burt said. "All of you. I love you guys."

The doorbell rang, and Kurt went to answer it. He kissed Blaine before letting him in.

"Happy Father's Day, Burt." Blaine greeted him as he extended his hand.

Burt shook Blaine's hand and tugged on it. "Screw the handshake, Anderson. It's Father's Day! Come here."

Blaine grinned as Burt pulled him into a hug. When they parted, Blaine handed Burt a box. "Just a little something to say thank you and happy Father's Day."

"Thank you." Burt smiled as he sat down on the couch and opened the box.


"What did you guys do for Father's Day when Kurt was little?" Blaine wondered.

"Well, when Kurt's mom was around, she used to help him make breakfast for me, and I'd have breakfast in bed and Kurt would give me a homemade card, which I still have all of them, by the way." Burt explained. "We would watch a sports game or a movie together and go on a walk and run around outside. When it was just Kurt and me, he tried to continue those traditions."

Kurt smiled slightly. "And then you said all you wanted for the day was to spend it with your son."

"Yeah." Burt nodded, looking at Kurt proudly. "And when Carole and I got together, Kurt and Finn would tag-team Father's Day, so I'd get to have a nice meal with Kurt and then catch a game with Finn."

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