Prinicpal's Office (Puck/Beth/Quinn)

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"Sorry I'm late." Puck apologized as he entered the principal's office.

"I'm sorry. Who are you?"

"Noah Puckerman." Puck answered, taking off his sunglasses. "Beth's father."

"Well, Mr. Puckerman, thank you for joining us. I'm Headmaster Collins." The woman introduced herself. "You can have a seat with Miss Fabray and Mr. McIntosh."

Puck looked at Quinn and Biff as he took the empty seat next to Quinn. "Where's Beth?"

"Her teacher will bring her here at dismissal." Headmaster Collins replied. "I wanted to talk about something privately."

"What did she do?" Biff asked.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Biff.

"Beth is typically a good kid." Headmaster Collins noted. "She's very smart and sociable, and this is the first time there have been concerns regarding her behavior."

"Concerns?" Quinn repeated.

"For the past few days, she's been using foul language, talking back to her teacher, and taunting her peers unprovoked." Headmaster Collins informed the trio. "I've gotten several reports."

"I'll talk to her." Puck said.

"Noah, maybe it's best if you let us handle the school side of things." Quinn suggested.

"No, you don't get it." Puck shook his head.

"Get what?" Quinn wondered.

"You don't get her. I'll handle this." Puck decided as he looked at the headmaster. "Is Beth in any trouble? 'Cause if not, I'm gonna take her home."

"If the bad behavior continues, we'll have to discipline her, but she's not in trouble right now." Headmaster Collins answered.

"Thank you for your time." Puck added before leaving the room.

"Noah." Quinn called after him as she and Biff followed him. "We need to talk about this, and the three of us need to come to an agreement."

"I said I'll handle it." Puck replied. "I know Beth. I'll figure out what's bothering her."

"We need to be on the same page here." Quinn clarified.

"I'm gonna handle it." Puck said. "I'll keep you posted."

"Hi, Daddy."

Puck turned and smiled at the brunette she walked down the hall. "Hey, princess. How was your day?"

"Good." Beth replied. "Can we go home now?"

Yeah." Puck said. "Give me your backpack and say hi to Mommy."

"Hi, Mommy." Beth waved.

"Hi, B." Quinn muttered. "Noah, please just-"

"I'll call you later."


"Hey, B." Puck said as he knocked on Beth's door. "Can I come in?"

Beth nodded.

"Ready for bed?" Puck asked.

"It's not bedtime." Beth stated.

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