Avoiding (Quick/Finn)

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Quinn turned around and smiled when she saw Finn. "Finn, hey. How are you?"

"Good." Finn said. "How are you? You look good."

"Thanks." Quinn responded. "I'm glad I ran into you. I don't know what's been going on with you and Noah, but-"

"Yeah, honestly, me neither." Finn interrupted. "Whenever I try to reach him, he always says he's busy with wedding stuff."

"Wedding stuff?" Quinn repeated, furrowing her eyebrow. She paused and nodded slowly. "I think he's avoiding you. And I think I know why."

"Why?" Finn wondered.

"He's been stressing over the wedding plans." Quinn explained.

"Maybe I can help him." Finn suggested. "Besides, I'm sure you have most of it figured out already."

"I told him to talk to you, if it'll make him feel better." Quinn continued. "But he's been so torn over choosing a best man."

"Oh." Finn said. "Well, tell him to do whatever he wants. I'm just glad the two of you are actually finally getting married."

"Me, too." Quinn agreed. "But can you do me a favor and talk to him? Because I've tried."

"Yeah, sure." Finn nodded. "Is he home?"



"Hi, babe." Quinn greeted Puck with a kiss. "Guess who I ran into at the store today."

"Who?" Puck wondered.

"Me." Finn said as he entered the apartment.

"Finn." Puck concluded. "H-Hey."

"Hey." Finn repeated.

"I asked him to come back here so the two of you could talk." Quinn added.

"Have you been avoiding me because you wanna pick Jake as your best man?" Finn questioned Puck.

Puck didn't say anything.

"Dude, he's your brother." Finn pointed out.

"Yeah, but so are you." Puck reminded Finn. "And you've been my brother longer."

"I'm still gonna be your best friend and brother and Beth's godfather, even if Jake is the best man at your wedding." Finn promised. "It's totally fine."

"Really?" Puck asked.

"Your wedding is about you and Quinn." Finn said. "If you want me to be a part of it at all, I'd be honored, but I'm also honored to sit there and watch my two best friends get married after a million years."

Puck smiled. "We'll figure something else out."

"I actually have an idea." Quinn noted, and the boys looked at her.

"If you guys wanna talk about it first-"

"No, it's cool." Puck cut Finn off. "What are you thinking, babe?"

"I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but I need someone to walk me down the aisle." Quinn smiled. "Is that something you'd be willing to do, Finn?"

"I'd love to. I'm in."

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