Caleb and Deb (Beth/Quick)

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"Mom." Beth said, hurrying over to greet Quinn. "Thanks for coming."

"Are they okay? What happened?" Quinn questioned Beth.

"Car accident." Beth said. "All I was told is that it's pretty bad and I can't see either of them yet."

Quinn nodded slowly. "The baby's with Jake?"

"Yeah, I'll go get her later." Beth stated.

"I'll get her once we know what's going on here." Quinn decided.

"Thank you." Beth said as she and Quinn sat down in the waiting room. "Where's Dad?"

"He's working so he's gonna stay home with the girls unless we need him here." Quinn told Beth. "I spoke to him before I left."

Beth nodded.

"Do you want me to see if the doctors will tell me anything?" Quinn offered.

"I don't think your celebrity status will override my spousal privilege." Beth muttered.

"It can't hurt to try." Quinn pointed out.

"Okay." Beth said.

The girls walked over to the nurse's station together.

"Hi." Quinn smiled. "I'm Quinn Fabray, and this is my daughter, Beth. We were hoping we could get some information on her husband and his mother."

"I'm sorry. I can't give any information out at this time."

"Maybe you didn't hear me." Quinn replied. "I'm-"

"I heard you, ma'am." The nurse interrupted. "I know who you and your husband are, but unfortunately, hospital policy still applies to you."

"Can you just tell us if they're gonna be okay?" Quinn requested. "They were in a car accident. Caleb and Deborah Akerman."

"I'm sorry, but-"

Quinn's phone went off and she took it out and put it to her ear as she walked away from the nurse's station. "Hey, Noah."

"Hey." Puck repeated. "Any news?"

"Not yet." Quinn said. "You think you can fly out here?"

"Yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can." Puck promised. "How's Beth holding up?"

"Okay." Quinn shrugged.

"What about you? How are you doing?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"Me? I'm fine." Quinn said.


Quinn looked at Beth, who was watching the doctor walk towards her.

"I have to go, Noah. I'll call you back."

Quinn hung up the phone and walked over to Beth.

"Mrs. Akerman, why don't you have a seat?" The doctor suggested.

"No." Beth shook her head. "Having a seat means bad news and I only want good news."

The doctor looked at Quinn.

"Are they okay?" Quinn asked as she took Beth's hand. "Are they alive?"

"Caleb is okay." The doctor confirmed. "He's awake and has some injuries, but I expect him to make a full recovery."

"Can I see him?" Beth requested.

"I'll have a nurse take you to his room shortly." The doctor promised. "Deborah is currently in surgery. She took the brunt of the impact and her injuries are more severe."

"Is she gonna be okay?" Beth wondered. "Does Caleb know?"

"We just spoke to him." The doctor noted as a nurse walked over to him. "You can go see him."

Beth looked at Quinn.

"I'll be right there, B. I wanna call your father back." Quinn noted.


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