Finn Tattoos (Rachel/Puck)

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"Berry." Puck answered the phone.

"Hey, Noah." Rachel said.

"Hey." Puck repeated. "What's up?"

"Can we meet for lunch? I wanna talk to you about something." Rachel stated.

"Uh... yeah." Puck said. "Text me where you wanna meet and I'll talk to Quinn and then I'll head over."

"Tell Quinn it's about Finn." Rachel added. "I don't want her to worry that you and I are-"

"I got it." Puck interrupted. "See you soon."

"See you soon."

Puck hung up the phone and walked into the bedroom, where the girls were curled up watching TV.

"Hey, babe?"

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Rachel just called me." Puck said. "She wants to talk about Finn, so I'm gonna go meet her for lunch. Is that cool with you?"

"That's fine." Quinn answered.

"Can I come, Daddy?" Beth requested.

"Not this time, B." Puck shook his head as he kissed Beth and Quinn. "Keep Mommy company. Call me if you need me. I love you."

"Love you."


Puck walked into the restaurant and found the brunette seated at a table facing the door.

"Hey." Puck said, greeting Rachel with a kiss on the cheek as she got up to say hi. "I'm glad you called. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Rachel nodded. "Thanks for coming."

Puck nodded back, and the pair took their seats.

"So you said this was about Finn. Are you sure you're okay?" Puck wondered.

"Yeah, it's just that I've been thinking about him a lot lately." Rachel confessed. "And replaying our relationship and our fights in my head."

"He loved you." Puck reminded Rachel. "Even when you guys weren't together."

"I feel guilty that we weren't together at the end." Rachel added. "If I knew what was gonna happen, I would've cherished those last few months together."

Puck nodded slowly.

"I've talked to a therapist about him and I've talked to Kurt and even Jesse, but..." Rachel shrugged. "You're the only one who really gets it, other than his family."

"Yeah." Puck said softly.

"Anyway, I've been thinking of doing something special, and I finally decided what I want that to be." Rachel continued. "I wanna get a tattoo for him."

"Jews don't get tattoos." Puck reminded Rachel.

"You have three." Rachel stated.

"The biggest one's the Star of David." Puck said.

"You have three, and you're gonna tell me not to get one?" Rachel asked.

"I'm a bad Jew." Puck shrugged. "But listen, if you wanna get one, I'll come with you."

"Really?" Rachel raised her eyebrow.

"For support." Puck swore. "I'm not getting anything."


"What do you think?" Rachel asked Puck when she had the stencil on her ribs.

"Looks good." Puck nodded as he sat down and put his hand out. "Want me to hold your hand?"

Rachel rolled her eyes as she laid down on the table. She exhaled and took Puck's hand as the tattoo artist began permanently etching Finn's name onto her body.

"The good thing is his name's only four letters." Puck reminded Rachel.

"It's not too bad." Rachel noted, breathing slowly. "I'm sure yours were worse."

"Well, I was drunk for my thigh tattoo." Puck explained. "But the one with Jake was okay, and the one Quinn and I got for Beth is tiny."

"Yeah." Rachel said.


When they were done tattooing Rachel, they cleaned it and covered it before talking to her about aftercare instructions.

"Ready to go?" Rachel asked.

"What do you think of me getting the same thing?" Puck wondered. "On my chest."

"I thought you said you're not getting anything." Rachel noted.

"I thought I wasn't, but I'm here and I want to." Puck replied.

"What about Quinn? Will she be okay with us having matching tattoos?" Rachel questioned Puck.

"For Finn, yeah." Puck answered. "Besides, Quinn can't get a tattoo right now anyway."

Rachel furrowed her eyebrow. "Why can't she get a tattoo?"

"I'm doing it." Puck decided as he took off his shirt.

Rachel watched as the tattoo artist made another stencil and put it on Puck's chest. Puck looked at it in the mirror and turned to Rachel. "What do you think?"

"It looks good." Rachel said. "But are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure."


"Thanks for coming with me." Rachel smiled. "And for permanently marking your body, which I told you you didn't have to do."

"I know." Puck nodded. "I've been thinking about him a lot lately, too."

"Really?" Rachel asked.

"All the time." Puck said. "But especially lately."

Rachel looked at Puck.

"Quinn's pregnant." Puck blurted. "That's why she missed Santana's wedding."

"That's really great." Rachel said with a smile. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." Puck muttered, taking a deep breath and exhaling. "We've been talking about Finn a lot. It's weird that we're gonna have a baby who won't know our best friend. And Beth doesn't remember him anymore."

"It's not her fault." Rachel reminded Puck. "She was barely three when he died."

Puck nodded slowly. "We've been trying to help her remember him."

"Well, good thing we got the tattoos." Rachel replied.

"You think you're gonna forget him?" Puck asked.

"No." Rachel shook her head. "I'm afraid of forgetting the little things. I'm afraid of forgetting his voice or his touch, but not him. I could never forget Finn."


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