Pregnancy Scare (Quicketh+fam)

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"Noah." Quinn began as she entered the den.

"No." Puck replied, shaking his head.

"No what?" Quinn asked.

"I know that tone." Puck stated. "That's the tone you use when you wanna tell me something I don't wanna hear."

Quinn raised her eyebrow.

Puck looked at Quinn and frowned. "Okay, you look all freaked out. What's going on? Is everybody okay?"

Quinn nodded slowly.

"What's going on?" Puck repeated, getting up to comfort Quinn.

"I think I'm pregnant." Quinn told Puck.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and paused for a minute. "Oh, you're trying to freak me out."

"Noah, I'm being serious." Quinn insisted.

"Remember that time I got a vasectomy?" Puck wondered. "You know, after Grace was born."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"There's no way you're pregnant." Puck said. "Well, unless it's not mine."

"Not funny." Quinn shook her head.

"Did you take a test?" Puck asked.

"No." Quinn responded. "But my period is late."

"There could be other reasons for that, right? I mean, you're getting older and-"

"I'm thirty-three." Quinn interrupted.

"Maybe it's stress-related." Puck shrugged. "We have four kids, busy careers, you live with your mother-in-law."

"I like having your mom here." Quinn reminded Puck.

"Let's go take a test." Puck decided as he took Quinn's hand.

"What are we gonna do if it's positive?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"Beth's going off to college next year anyway." Puck joked.

Quinn glared at him.

"It's not gonna come back positive." Puck swore as he squeezed Quinn's hand. "Come on."

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