Nineteen (Quinn/Finn/Puck)

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Quinn was packing up her dorm room when there was a knock on the door. She furrowed her eyebrow as she went to answer it.


"Happy birthday!"

Quinn grinned at the sight of Finn and Puck in the hallway. She hugged them and looked at them when she pulled away. "Come in! What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think you could turn nineteen and not celebrate with your favorite exes, did you?" Puck teased as he and Finn stepped inside.

"Sam's here, too?" Quinn joked.

"Puck and I wanted to come celebrate." Finn explained. "I finished finals today."

"I finished yesterday, but I'm still not done packing." Quinn told the boys.

"Well, that can wait." Finn replied. "We wanna take you out to dinner."

"That's really sweet." Quinn noted. "But I'm gonna need some time to get ready."

"We can wait." Puck said.

"Yeah." Finn agreed. "Just not too long 'cause the longer you take, the older you'll get and you're already totally old."

"Old?" Quinn repeated. "Puck's older than me!"

Finn smirked and laughed lightly, and Quinn rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Go get ready and let us take you out to celebrate your birthday." Puck commanded. "We'll help you pack later or tomorrow or something."



"Before we start eating, let's raise a toast to the birthday girl." Finn decided as he raised his glass.

Puck raised his glass. "Happy birthday, baby mama."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled as she clinked glasses with the boys. "I'm really glad you two are here."

"Yeah." Finn agreed. "And we'll all be in Lima for the whole summer."

"Finn and I are gonna clean pools and work at Burt's." Puck added. "And I'm gonna spend a week or two in New York with Beth. You should come."

Quinn bit her lip.

"Unless you have plans." Puck said.

"I'll think about it." Quinn decided. "But I do have some plans this summer."

"Anything fun?" Finn wondered.

"Santana, Brittany, and I are planning to visit Mercedes for a few days." Quinn nodded. "It's really just a matter of Mercedes having any free time. My school friends are gonna plan something halfway through the summer, and I'm gonna visit everyone in New York."

"Cool." Finn nodded back.

"Other than that, I'll just be trying to enjoy the summer."


"Thanks again for dinner." Quinn noted as she and the boys reached her dorm. "And for coming to New Haven."

"It's not everyday you turn nineteen, right?" Puck smiled.

Quinn smiled back. "I know it's my birthday and finals are over so I should wanna party, but I'm kind of tired. So if you two wanna go out, don't let me stop you. Just don't bring any girls back to my dorm, okay?"

Quinn and Finn looked at Puck.

"Hey." Puck pouted. "No, come on. Look, we came here to see you. We don't have to go out and party if you're not up for it, but we're not letting you sit home alone or go to bed early on your birthday."

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