Picky Eater (Pucketh)

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"Dinner, B!" Puck called as he peeked into the living room. "Come eat."

"Where's Mommy?" Beth asked.

"Mommy's in class." Puck told Beth. "She's gonna be home late tonight."

Beth frowned.

"Come eat." Puck repeated as he put his hand out. "Or come sit with me while I eat."

The four-year-old took her dad's hand and followed him to the kitchen, sitting beside him at the little round table.

"Will you eat a little bit?" Puck asked as he put Beth's plate down in front of her. "Mommy and I want you to try everything."

Beth shook her head as she looked at her plate in disgust.

"Just try it." Puck requested.

"All my food is touching." Beth said.

"So?" Puck asked. "Take your fork and push it how you want it. Like this."

Puck took the fork and pushed the peas back so they were no longer touching the rice. He pushed the rice back, separating it from the chicken.

"How's that?" Puck questioned Beth. "Will you eat now then?"

Beth shook her head.

"Why not?" Puck asked.

"'Cause my food was touching." Beth answered.

"Well, it's not anymore." Puck pointed out.

"Can I use the plate Mommy got me?" Beth requested.

"What plate?" Puck asked.

"The green one." Beth said.

"Fine." Puck nodded. "Where is it?"

Beth shrugged. "I don't know."

"While I'm looking for it, why don't you grab your drink from the fridge?" Puck suggested as he walked over to the cabinets and began rummaging through them.

When Puck finally found the plate, he rinsed it off and grabbed Beth's other plate. He was about to put her food onto the new plate when she stopped him.

"Daddy, you can't put that on the plate 'cause it already touched!" Beth exclaimed.

"It's all gonna touch when it's in your belly, B." Puck told her.

Beth shook her head. "That's not the same."

Puck sighed as he added to Beth's original plate before putting it in the fridge to save it for Quinn. He began portioning food onto the new divider plate.

"Here." Puck said, putting the plate down in front of Beth. He furrowed his eyebrow when he saw she had three forks. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't say hell, Daddy." Beth scolded.

"Okay, what the heck are you doing?" Puck wondered, eyeing the utensils. "Why do you have three forks? You have one mouth."

"'Cause I need one for the chicken and one for the peas and one for the rice." Beth explained.

"No." Puck said, gently taking the forks from Beth. "No, you're not using three forks at every meal. If you wanna wipe it on a napkin or in the sink, you can, but you get one fork and one plate, and after all that trouble, you better try everything on the plate."

"Uh uh." Beth shook her head.

"You won't even try it?" Puck asked.

Beth shook her head again.

"Okay." Puck said. "Then you're gonna sit here while I make my plate and eat my food and clean up. And when that's all done, you and I will clean up your food and you'll go get ready for your bath and bed."

"I wanna wait for Mommy." Beth stated.

"I'm gonna have to tell her that you won't eat your dinner when she gets home." Puck warned Beth as he made himself a plate and sat down at the table. "You sure you wanna wait for her?"

"Can you tell Mommy I did eat my dinner?" Beth requested.

"I can if you try it." Puck nodded as he started eating.

Beth looked at her plate and then at Puck and then at the plate again. She groaned as she picked up her fork and sighed as she tried the chicken on her plate.

Puck watched Beth proudly, and he could tell she liked the food.

"Not bad, right?"

"Gross." Beth replied once she had swallowed it. She sipped her iced tea and tried a spoonful of peas, which Puck could see she didn't love.

"Good girl." Puck encouraged her. "It's good to try it, even if you don't end up liking it. Eat some more of the chicken and some of the rice, okay?"

Beth gave Puck a look.

"You like chicken and rice." Puck reminded her. "And I cut it up for you already."

"I don't want it." Beth said.

"One more bite?" Puck asked.

Beth huffed as she had another forkful of rice and a few more forkfuls of chicken.

"That's my girl. If you're done, you can go get ready for the bath."


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