Clothes Shopping (Quinn/Santana)

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"Hey." Quinn smiled as she got in the car.

"Hey." Santana replied. "Ready to go?"

"Actually, I was hoping for a change of plans." Quinn noted.

"What?" Santana asked.

"I was thinking mani/pedis and massages." Quinn stated. "Maybe even facials, too."

"Why?" Santana wondered.

"I hate clothes shopping." Quinn blurted.

"Since when?" Santana questioned Quinn.

"Since recently." Quinn answered.

Santana furrowed her eyebrow.

"I haven't been very comfortable with my body since Grace was born." Quinn confessed. "And despite what he says, I don't think Noah is either."

"Okay, first of all, we're in our thirties now, so our bodies are gonna change." Santana began. "Second of all, you're a mother of four, two months postpartum, and still skinny and gorgeous. And third, what did Puck say to you?"

"Nothing." Quinn shook her head. "He said he's always gonna love me no matter what, even if my body changes."

"Honestly, I didn't even know he was capable of love until I watched him fall in love with you." Santana stated.

"Santana." Quinn muttered. "I asked him if he'll always love me even with my stretchmarks and scars, and he promised he would."

"And he will." Santana assured Quinn. "So what's this really all about?"

"Promise you'll keep this between us?" Quinn requested.

"Oh my god." Santana muttered. "Tell me you're pregnant again."

"Santana, I'm serious." Quinn said.

"Okay, okay." Santana nodded. "I can keep a secret."

"Okay." Quinn repeated. "The other day, Noah and I decided to have a date night."

"Wanky." Santana commented.

"He made arrangements for the kids so we could have the house to ourselves, and he cooked dinner." Quinn continued, ignoring Santana. "We moved into the den and put on a movie. We were cuddling, but then we started making out and..."

"And what?" Santana encouraged Quinn to continue.

"And he couldn't..." Quinn furrowed her eyebrows. "Perform."

Santana covered her mouth, trying to hide her jaw drop.

"He locked himself in our bedroom and when I went upstairs to check on him, he said he wanted to make sure I knew that it had nothing to do with me." Quinn said. "But in all the years we've been together, that's never happened before."

"It happens." Santana noted. "Have you guys tried to have sex since then?"

"We haven't been alone." Quinn informed Santana, shaking her head.

"Here's what we're gonna do." Santana decided. "We're gonna go shopping like we planned. We're gonna buy you some lingerie that you feel confident and sexy in, and you're gonna let me and Britt babysit tonight."

"I don't wanna make this a big deal, especially if he's uncomfortable with-"

"I'm sure it was just a one time thing." Santana interrupted with a shrug. "It happens. Trust me, you wouldn't believe the amount of stories I've heard from everyone else."

"Really?" Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"Everyone tells the lesbian that their husband's dicks don't work." Santana nodded.

"Santana." Quinn laughed lightly.

"Believe me, I've heard a lot from certain people." Santana stated. "You have nothing to worry about. Besides, maybe he was just tired. And isn't he on, like, a new anxiety medication? Maybe it was because of that."

"Maybe." Quinn nodded slowly.

"Now come on." Santana said. "Let's go clothes shopping."

"Only if you tell me more about who you've heard from."


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