Friend (Fuinn)

18 4 0

"Hey." Quinn smiled. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course." Finn said, greeting Quinn with a hug.

When the pair parted, they sat down on Quinn's couch.

"Where's Puck?" Finn wondered.

"Out." Quinn shrugged.

Finn nodded slowly.

"I wanted to return some of your stuff." Quinn noted as she got up. She grabbed a box off of her countertop and placed it on the floor by Finn. "Some stuff you left here. Or I borrowed."

"Stole." Finn corrected Quinn with a smirk. "Thanks, Quinn."

"Sure." Quinn said. "Finn?"

"Yeah?" Finn asked.

"Are you happy?" Quinn blurted. "With Rachel?"

"I am." Finn confirmed. "What about you and Puck?"

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "Yeah, it feels like I'm with the person I'm supposed to be with."

"Me, too." Finn agreed. "Although part of me wanted that person to be you."

"Me, too." Quinn said softly. "You'll always have a special place in my heart."

"Yeah, same." Finn nodded.

"I don't want us to not be a part of each other's lives." Quinn continued. "So can we skip the awkwardness of a new breakup and go back to being friends?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." Finn smiled.

Quinn smiled back as Finn hugged her.

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