Rumours (Quicketh/Sam/Finn)

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"Hey." Puck said as he walked over to Quinn's locker.

"Hey." Quinn smiled.

"So." Puck began. "I'm not working today, so I was thinking after school we could pick Beth up from your mom's and go back to my mom's and I'll make us dinner and once Beth's asleep, we can be alone."

"That sounds really nice." Quinn noted. "But I can't. I have plans."

"Can't you move them to tomorrow when I'm working?" Puck asked.

"I can't." Quinn said. "Sorry."

Puck frowned. "I guess I could see if Burt'll let me work today then."

"I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

Puck nodded as the bell rang. Quinn closed her locker and kissed Puck's cheek before heading to class.


"I thought you weren't coming in today." Finn said when Puck entered Burt's shop.

"I thought so, too, but Quinn had plans so..." Puck shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad you're here 'cause we need to talk about that." Finn noted.

"About what?" Puck wondered.

"Quinn." Finn stated. "And Kurt."

"Okay, now I'm completely lost." Puck replied.

"I followed Kurt last night." Finn admitted. "He went to a motel, and then today Sam was wearing one of his jackets."

"What?" Puck questioned Finn.

"Kurt didn't say anything, but I think Quinn's been going there, too." Finn stated. "Did she say what her plans were?"

"No, but she said she couldn't move them." Puck said. "But wait, she's got Beth."

"So Sam and Quinn are playing house." Finn concluded. "Once they get Beth to sleep, the two of them are alone and can do whatever they want."

"She wouldn't do that." Puck insisted. "She wouldn't cheat."

Finn gave Puck a look.

"Not on me." Puck clarified.

"Why would she hide the fact that she's meeting Sam at a motel if it's innocent?" Finn pointed out.

Puck bit his lip, unable to come up with a logical explanation.

"Look, you're my best friend. I don't want you going through what I went through last year, but I saw the place." Finn reminded Puck. "I'll tell Burt we're running out so we can go."

"To spy on Quinn?" Puck asked.

"You have a better idea?" Finn wondered.

"No." Puck muttered sheepishly.

"Then let's go."


"Are you sure this is it?" Puck questioned Finn. "I don't see Quinn's car."

"This is it." Finn nodded as he dug through the center console of his car. "Here."

"Binoculars? Seriously?" Puck rolled his eyes.

"Don't you wanna know if your girlfriend's cheating on you?" Finn asked.

Puck sighed and took the binoculars, holding onto them while he continued looking for any signs of Quinn or Sam.

"What's the plan?" Finn wondered.

Puck looked at him.

"If Quinn and Sam are together, are you gonna go, like, beat Sam up?" Finn questioned Puck. "'Cause I know you're not gonna just sit here waiting when they might be fooling around in there."

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