James (Puck/Quick/P)

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"My dad died." Puck blurted, scrolling through his phone.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Sarah just texted me." Puck noted as he got up.

"Wait." Quinn said as she stood up and gently grabbed Puck's arm. "Are you okay?"

"My dad was a piece of shit." Puck reminded Quinn. "Believe me, the world is a much better place without him in it. I have to go call Jake."

"Okay, we can talk when you're done on the phone." Quinn decided.

"We don't have to talk about it." Puck shrugged. "I'm good."

"Go call Jake." Quinn said softly.

Puck excused himself to the yard. He dialed Jake's number and sat down while it rang.

"Hey, bro." Jake answered the phone. "What's up?"

"You got a sec?" Puck asked.

"Yeah, what's going on?" Jake wondered.

"Sarah just texted me." Puck began. "Dad died."

"Dad died?" Jake repeated.

"Yeah." Puck said. "I'm not sure what happened, but he's dead. Finally."

Jake didn't say anything.

"Sarah might go to the services, but I'm not going." Puck told Jake. "I don't even want her going."

"Yeah, I'm not going either." Jake stated. "Good riddance."

"I figured I might celebrate instead." Puck decided. "So if you and the girls want a reason to come to L.A., you know we have room for everyone."

"I'll talk to Marley." Jake said. "Thanks for calling me, Puck."


Puck hung up the phone and headed back inside where Quinn was waiting for him.

"Do we need to go to a funeral or anything?" Quinn wondered.

"No." Puck shook his head. "No, I'm not going, and I definitely don't want you or the kids anywhere near this."

"I know he did some bad things, but it's okay if you wanna go. He's still your dad." Quinn noted.

"He didn't do some bad things. He was a bad thing." Puck pointed out. "I'm not going. Neither is Jake."

"I'm just saying it would be okay if you wanted to." Quinn shrugged. "I wouldn't judge you."

"I'm not going." Puck repeated firmly. "Besides, if I go, I'll meet all the other brothers and sisters I have that I never knew about."

"You think there's more?" Quinn asked.

"I do." Puck answered. "As far as I know, I might not even be my dad's first kid."

"Noah." Quinn sighed.

"The world is much better without him." Puck stated. "He can't bring kids into the world or abuse anyone if he's dead."

"Okay." Quinn said softly. "Whatever you want."

"Thank you." Puck replied.

"If you wanna talk about anything though, we can." Quinn offered. "However you wanna handle this."

"I'm gonna go for a walk and just clear my head." Puck decided. "There is one thing you can do while I'm gone."

"What's that?" Quinn wondered.

"Call my sister and tell her not to go to his burial or anything." Puck requested. "She said she's going, and it's just gonna open a can of worms. Besides, our dad never should've lived this long anyway."

Quinn nodded slowly. "I'll call Sarah."


When Puck returned from his walk, Quinn was on the phone.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Sarah?"

Quinn nodded. "Sarah, I understand it's your father, but your brothers aren't going and-"

"Give me the phone." Puck requested.

Quinn put her hand up, hushing Puck. "It's not a good idea. Your dad wasn't a good person, and Noah and Jake are worried that you going to the services will dig up some things."

"Give me the phone." Puck repeated.

"Like if he has any other children." Quinn clarified. "They don't wanna know about it."

"Quinn." Puck whispered.

"Noah wants to talk to you." Quinn added, handing Puck the phone.

"Sarah." Puck began.

"Why the hell are you having your wife call me to tell me what to do?" Sarah hissed.

"I know you're upset, but-"

"You don't know." Sarah interrupted. "Because if you did, you'd understand why I wanna go."

"Why do you wanna go?" Puck demanded. "Why do you care so much about a guy who abused everyone and then walked out on all of us?"

"He's still our dad." Sarah replied.

"He's nothing to us." Puck stated. "Why don't you come spend some time in L.A.? Jake's gonna come and we're gonna just be together. You should come be around your real family."

Sarah didn't say anything.

"Please, Sarah." Puck begged. "You're an adult and I can't tell you what to do, but please don't go to anything for Dad."

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