Make Things Right (Quick/F/Russell)

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"I told you at the hospital to leave me alone." Quinn answered her phone. "That includes phone calls."

"I know, but I have a proposal for you, Quinny." Russell replied.

"I'm not interested in whatever you have to say." Quinn stated.

"You'll wanna hear this." Russell assured her.

"Then talk." Quinn demanded.

"It's easier to explain in person." Russell insisted. "Can you make some time this week? I'll take you to dinner and we can talk then."

"I'll think about it." Quinn said before hanging up the phone.



Puck turned around and looked at Quinn. "Hey, Q."

"Hey." Quinn repeated. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah, always." Puck nodded. "What's going on?"

"My dad called." Quinn told Puck. "He wants to meet me for dinner soon to talk about a proposal he has for me."

"What kind of proposal?" Puck wondered.

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged. "Will you come with me?"

Puck went to answer, but Quinn continued.

"I know things have been weird between us since my accident, and I know I shouldn't even be considering seeing my dad after everything, but-"

"I'll go." Puck interrupted.

"What?" Quinn asked.

"I said I'll go." Puck clarified. "Tell me when and where, and I'll be there."


"Of course."


Quinn was alone at the table in the restaurant. Judy had dropped her off, and so far, there were no signs of Russell or Puck.

Quinn took a deep breath and picked up her phone. If Puck was going to bail, he should've at least warned her.

Quinn closed her eyes and exhaled slowly, releasing her frustration and her nerves.

"Q, you okay?"

Quinn opened her eyes and looked at Puck.

"Sorry I'm late." Puck apologized as he sat down beside her. "I had to drop Sarah off."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Nervous?" Puck guessed.

"Yeah." Quinn said.

"It'll be okay." Puck promised, offering his hand.

Quinn looked at Puck's hand before looking at Puck.

"What? They're clean, I promise." Puck insisted.

"It's not that." Quinn said. "It's just... we have a lot to talk about."

"And we will." Puck nodded. "After this."

Quinn nodded back and put her hand in Puck's. He squeezed it comfortingly.

"I really appreciate you coming with me."

Quinn didn't hear Puck's response because it came at the same time she saw her dad enter the restaurant and make his way to the table.

"Hi, sweetheart. Thanks for coming."

"Why did you want me to meet you here?" Quinn blurted.

"And you brought him." Russell noted, eyeing Puck as he sat down across from Quinn.

"This is Noah." Quinn introduced Puck. "Noah, this-"

"We met at the hospital." Russell cut Quinn off.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow and looked at Puck. "You were at the hospital?"

"I'm actually glad he's here." Russell continued. "The three of us should talk."

"What's going on?" Quinn wondered.

"When your mother called me to tell me about your accident, it made me realize that we could've lost you." Russell said. "And nothing you can say or do would be worse than that."

"I'm still here." Quinn pointed out.

"Losing a daughter would be the worst thing that could happen." Russell repeated. "Which got me thinking, and I wanna help you get her back."

Quinn glanced at Puck before looking at her dad. "What?"

"Your daughter." Russell clarified. "I wanna help you two get her back."

"What's the catch?" Quinn wondered.

"There's no catch." Russell said.

"What's the catch?" Quinn demanded. "Because you've never done anything just to do something nice, so if we let you do this, what do you get out of it?"

"I just wanna make things right." Russell told Quinn.

"If we let you do this, you don't get to see her." Quinn warned Russell.

"Hang on." Puck interjected. "We should talk about this, Quinn. Shelby's a good mom."

Quinn pulled her hand away from Puck's and looked at her dad. "How do we get her back?"

"Quinn." Puck scolded.

"Noah slept with the woman who adopted her." Quinn informed Russell. "While she was our teacher."

"That's good." Russell nodded. "We can use that."

"Quinn." Puck hissed. "This isn't a good idea."

"I'm doing this." Quinn decided. "With or without you."

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