Crash (Quicketh/ND)

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"Hi, babe." Quinn answered the phone.

"Hi." Puck said. "Are you busy?"

"Never too busy for you." Quinn stated.

"What are you doing today?" Puck wondered.

"Right now I'm cleaning the apartment." Quinn answered. "I'm having a little get-together tonight."

"Girls' night?" Puck guessed.

"Glee night." Quinn clarified. "Santana, Brittany, Artie, Mike, Tina, Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, and Finn."

"Sounds like a full house." Puck noted.

"Yeah." Quinn said.

"Is Beth around?" Puck wondered. "Or is she still at school?"

"She's still at school." Quinn answered. "Finn's picking her up later so I can shower and finish getting ready before everyone gets here."

"Cool." Puck replied.

"What are you up to?" Quinn asked. "I feel like this is the first phone call we've had in a while that wasn't hi, be safe, love you, bye."

"Yeah." Puck agreed. "Yeah, this is nice."

"It is." Quinn said. "What are you up to?"

"Check your texts." Puck commanded.

"Noah, I told you not to send dirty messages or photos to my phone." Quinn sighed. "Send them on-"

"Snapchat." Puck finished. "Yeah, I know. Go check your texts."

Quinn put the phone call on speaker before she went to her texts. She saw screenshots from Puck and clicked on them. "Flight information? What is this?"

"I'm coming home to my girls." Puck answered.

"Are you serious?" Quinn questioned Puck. "You're coming home? When?"

"Now." Puck told Quinn. "I'm on my way."

"What?" Quinn repeated, taking the phone off of speaker and putting it to her ear. "You're lying."

"Look at the screenshots!" Puck exclaimed.

"You're really coming home?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah." Puck said. "I'll be home really late your time, so I'll be there when you wake up."

"I wanna see you when you land." Quinn told Puck. "Beth and I can come to the airport, or I'll wait up."

"Don't drag her out that late." Puck responded. "I'll meet you at home and we'll surprise her in the morning."

"Okay." Quinn said. "Call me before takeoff."

"I'm taking off in, like, twenty minutes." Puck answered. "And I'll be home around 1 or 2am."

"Okay." Quinn nodded. "Be safe. I love you."

"I love you." Puck repeated. "Say hi to Beth for me. Don't ruin the surprise."

"I won't." Quinn swore.



"Hi, princess." Quinn smiled as Beth hugged her. "How was school?"

Beth pulled away from Quinn and started excitedly talking about her day as she entered the apartment.

"Thanks for picking her up." Quinn said to Finn as she took Beth's backpack from him. "Come in."

"Anytime." Finn nodded as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Hey, thanks for hosting tonight."

"Of course." Quinn smiled. "We need a little get-together to break in the new place."

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