Home for the Holidays (Fuinn)

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Quinn parked her car in front of the Hudson / Hummel house and grabbed her bags before heading to the door. She knocked and fixed her hair as she waited.

The door opened and Carole stood there with a big smile on her face. "Hi, Quinn. Come in."

"Hi, Carole." Quinn hugged Finn's mom before entering the house. "Traffic was a little better than I expected it to be, so I'm early, but is Finn here?"

"He went to pick Kurt and Blaine up from the train station." Carole answered. "Come sit."

"I should say hi to Burt first." Quinn nodded.

"Burt's in the living room." Carole added. "Do you want tea?"

"Sure, thanks." Quinn replied.

"Finn can help you with your bags when he gets back." Carole said. "I'll be in the kitchen when you're ready."

Quinn entered the living room, and Burt grinned when he saw her.

"Quinn! Hi."

"Hi, Burt." Quinn smiled as she greeted him. "How are you?"

"Good, good." Burt nodded. "How are you? How's school?"

"It's good." Quinn said. "Crazy, but good."

"Yeah, that sounds right." Burt laughed lightly. "But you made it, and you're almost done, right?"

"Right." Quinn nodded as someone's arms wrapped around her. She turned and smiled at Finn. "Hi."

"Hi." Finn repeated before kissing Quinn. "You're here. How was the drive?"

"Traffic wasn't so bad." Quinn answered. "But it was a long drive."

"Well, now you're here and you can relax and forget about school." Finn told her.

"Yeah, actually, I wanna-"

"Dad! Quinn!"

Quinn turned as Kurt and Blaine entered the room. They greeted Burt before greeting Quinn.

"Hi, boys." Quinn smiled.


"Hey." Quinn said as she gently nudged Finn. "I think I'm gonna shower and turn in. It was a long drive and a long day."

"Yeah." Finn nodded. "I'll come up with you."

"Okay." Quinn smiled as she got up.

"Night, guys." Finn said, taking Quinn's hand.


Quinn and Finn went upstairs to Finn's bedroom.
Quinn dug through her bags for her pajamas and toiletries before excusing herself to go shower.

When she returned, she found Finn laying on his bed in his boxers.

Finn put his phone down when he saw Quinn. "Hey."

"Hey." Quinn said, putting her things away before joining Finn on the bed and curling up beside him.

"Hey." Finn repeated as he put his arm around Quinn and held her. "Get some rest. Everyone's home for the holidays, so I'm sure we'll be running around a lot."

Quinn nodded.

Finn looked at her. "What is it?"

"I finished school." Quinn blurted.

"What?" Finn asked.

"I graduated a semester early." Quinn stated. "Top of my class."

"Wow, Quinn, that's great!" Finn exclaimed proudly.

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