Anniversary (Quicketh+fam)

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Quinn and Puck's anniversary was easier to remember and celebrate when they had less kids and more time. It got even harder when their youngest child was born on December 21st, two days before their anniversary, and four days before Christmas.

Still, they tried to make it special. Every year, Puck would get Quinn flowers, and they would sneak out to breakfast before anyone else woke up.

When they came back, it was usually time to clean the house and finish any Christmas preparations.

"Thanks for breakfast." Quinn smiled. "And the flowers. And last night."

Puck smiled. "Happy anniversary, baby."

Quinn kissed Puck passionately before pulling away and looking at him. "Is it bad that I don't wanna go inside?"

"Is it bad that me neither?" Puck responded as he put his hands on Quinn's waist and kissed her.

Quinn wrapped her arms around Puck's neck, deepening the kiss.

Someone cleared their throat, but Quinn and Puck ignored it.

"No, no, no, you can't be here."

Quinn and Puck parted and looked at Beth, who was standing at the door.

"Thanks for the warm welcome, B." Puck muttered as he went to walk past her.

"Sorry." Beth apologized. "But is there any way you guys could, like, not be here until the end of the day?"

"What?" Quinn asked.

"Please." Beth requested. "Just trust me?"

"No house party?" Puck questioned Beth.

"Bubbe's here." Beth reminded Puck.

"Still." Puck said.

"This is something good, I promise." Beth swore. "But I need you to come back by dinner."



"What do you think Beth's up to?" Quinn wondered.

"I don't know." Puck said. "Do you think we need to worry about it?"

Quinn shook her head. "It's Beth."

"Good." Puck noted. "So let's not worry."

"Okay." Quinn smiled as she took Puck's hand.

"Forget about the kids for now, and let's celebrate and enjoy being together." Puck added, squeezing Quinn's hand.

"Happy anniversary, Noah." Quinn said in agreement.

"I love you." Puck responded.

"I love you."


"I can't believe we're ringing the doorbell to our own house." Puck noted as he and Quinn waited on their doorstep.

"I had a really nice time celebrating with you today." Quinn said, nudging Puck. "Grumpy."

Puck smiled and put his arm around Quinn, pulling her close and kissing her cheek. "I had a good time, too."

Quinn smiled back and wrapped her arm around Puck as the front door opened.

"Welcome home." Beth grinned. "Happy anniversary."

"So." Puck said. "How was the house party?"

"Thank you." Quinn smiled at Beth, ignoring Puck.

"How was your day?" Beth wondered. "Without any gross details."

"We had a very nice time together." Quinn answered. "Didn't we, Noah?"

"We did." Puck agreed.

"Good." Beth said. "Come in."

Quinn and Puck stepped inside with Beth.

"You don't usually get to celebrate your anniversary with it being sandwiched between Grace's birthday and Christmas." Beth began. "So I wanted to do something nice for you."

"Thanks, B." Puck nodded.

"Your present from all four of us is on your bed." Beth informed Quinn and Puck. "But I didn't want you to have to worry about the house this year, so I had it cleaned top to bottom. Oh, and dinner's ready."

"Thank you, Beth." Puck smiled as he hugged Beth. "I love this kid."

"Me, too." Quinn agreed.

"Wanna make another one?" Puck teased.

"Ugh, gross." Beth muttered, squirming away from her parents.

"Happy anniversary, Q."

"Happy anniversary, Noah."

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