Sleep (Quicketh+fam)

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Puck rolled over and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the dark hair beside him.

"Quinn?" Puck whispered.

"Go back to sleep." Quinn said softly.

"Why is Hudson here?" Puck asked.

"He couldn't sleep." Quinn answered.

"I'll put him back to bed." Puck decided.

"He had a bad dream." Quinn added. "He's asleep now so just leave him."

"Okay." Puck sighed.

"Night, baby."




"Shhh." Quinn said as she climbed out of bed. "Don't wake Daddy."

"Daddy's up." Puck said. "What's the matter, buddy?"

"I can't sweep." Hudson muttered.

"You can't sleep?" Puck asked. "Want me to tuck you back in?"

Hudson shook his head as he looked at Quinn.

"Come to bed." Quinn said, taking Hudson's hand.

"Quinn." Puck scolded as Quinn and Hudson climbed into bed.

"It's late and we all need to get some sleep." Quinn noted. "Goodnight."

"Night, Daddy." Hudson said happily.




"Hudson, come on." Puck said as he got up. "I'll walk you back to bed."

"I want Mommy." Hudson stated.

"Mommy needs to sleep, buddy. Daddy's gotcha." Puck promised. "Come on."

Hudson looked at Puck. "Mommy."

"Come on, bud." Puck requested.

"I want Mommy." Hudson repeated, shaking his head.


"We need to talk about Hudson." Puck noted as he and Quinn sat down to breakfast.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"He's getting into a bad habit with this sleep situation." Puck noted.

"He's not that bad." Quinn said.

"He sleeps worse than Lulu does." Puck argued. "And I don't wanna wake up to the kids in our bed every night."

"Noah, it's really not as bad as you're making it sound." Quinn insisted.

"You need to stop coddling him." Puck replied.

"You think I coddle him?" Quinn wondered.

"Whatever. Enabling him." Puck clarified. "We need to teach him that bedtime means we go sleep in our room and he sleeps in his."

"What are you so afraid of with him?" Quinn demanded.

Puck furrowed his eyebrows.

"Are you afraid that he won't turn out manly and macho? Or that somehow the way I parent him will make him gay?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"No, of course not." Puck shook his head. "I don't care if any of the kids are gay. Why would you even think that?"

"Because you were never like this with Beth." Quinn answered.

"I wasn't always around for Beth." Puck pointed out.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Noah." Quinn said softly. "We were young, and we both had our moments of questionable judgment when it came to parenting."

"Beth's a really good kid, but she's one of a kind." Puck told Quinn. "And I wanna do all the stuff I've thought about doing differently with Hudson and Lulu."

"Like what?" Quinn asked.

"More rules." Puck stated. "We were never strict with Beth on little things, and we hardly ever filtered things around her."

"What do you wanna do with Hudson and Lucy?" Quinn questioned Puck.

"For starters, they should have strict bedtimes and should be in their own beds." Puck answered. "And if you're too tired when he wakes you up, I can handle that on my own."

"We can both teach him." Quinn decided. "I don't want any of the kids thinking if one of us says no, the other will say yes."

Puck nodded in agreement. "Beth hasn't had a normal childhood, and I just want the kids to get to be kids."

"Me, too."



"Like clockwork." Puck muttered. "What's up, bud?"

"Bad dweam." Hudson answered.

"I'm sorry." Puck apologized. "Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"Mommy." Hudson repeated, looking at Quinn.

"Mommy's asleep right now, but I'll tell you what." Puck said. "Why don't me and Max take you back to your big boy bed?"

Hudson looked at Puck, unsure.

"You're safe in this house." Puck promised. "Nothing's gonna hurt you."

Max barked in agreement.

"Max said he'll look for monsters, just in case." Puck added. "And I'll stay with you for a little while. Can we try that?"

Hudson nodded slowly.

"Come on, buddy. Come, Max." Puck said as he scooped up his son, carrying him back to his room.

Puck held onto Hudson while Max walked around the room, sniffing and searching.

Max sat beside Puck when he had finished clearing the room.

"Good boy, Max." Puck smiled as he pet the dog. He put Hudson down on his bed, tucking him under the covers. "See, Hudson? Your room is safe. Max promises."

Hudson nodded. "Max, stay."

"Max can stay until you fall asleep." Puck told Hudson. "Then he's gotta come back to bed with me."

"You stay." Hudson requested.

"I'll stay until you fall asleep, if you want." Puck offered. "But then I have to go back to my bed and you have to stay in yours, okay?"

"'Kay." Hudson echoed as he laid down.

Puck sat down, and Max laid beside the bed. Puck waited a while until he was sure Hudson had fallen back to sleep. He then quietly led Max out of the room, closing the door behind him before heading to his own room.

Puck crawled under the covers, pulling Quinn into his arms.

"Night, Noah." Quinn said sleepily. "And thank you."

"Night, Q." Puck responded.


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