Ten Fingers, Ten Toes (Quick)

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Quinn instantly felt relief when she heard the soft cries of her baby.

"You did it, babe." Puck noted as he kissed Quinn's cheek.

"You wanna cut the cord, Dad?" One of the nurses asked Puck.

Puck nodded and took the clamps to do so while Quinn delivered the afterbirth.

"Is he okay?" Quinn called while Puck watched the baby get cleaned up.

"He's fine, Q. Perfect." Puck answered.

The nurses finished with the baby and swaddled him. They placed him in Quinn's waiting arms.

"Congratulations. We'll be back in to check on you in a little while, but call us if you need anything."

"Thanks, Doc." Puck replied as he stood beside Quinn and looked at their son.

"Look at him." Quinn said. "He looks just like you."

"He's too perfect to be just like me." Puck shook his head. "But we did good, huh?"

Quinn smiled and looked at Puck. "Wanna hold him?"

"Sure." Puck said, gently scooping up the baby and cradling him carefully as he studied his features. "Ten fingers and ten toes, Q."

"Ten fingers and ten toes."

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