Memorial (Quick)

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"Hi, I'm looking for Ruth Puckerman." Quinn said.

"And your name?"

"Quinn." Quinn answered.

"You can have a seat, and I'll page her."

"Thanks." Quinn said as the girl walked away.

Quinn paced back and forth nervously while she waited for Ruth. Her anger was coursing through her veins, and she was trying to think of what she'd say.

"Quinn? What are you doing here?" Ruth questioned the blonde.

"How dare you." Quinn blurted.

"Excuse me?" Ruth asked.

"Your son is gone, and instead of planning any kind of memorial or checking on your daughter, you're at work." Quinn noted. "What kind of a mother does that?"

"Noah wouldn't want us to sit around and cry over him." Ruth said. "So Sarah's at school and I'm at work. Life goes on."

"He deserves better than that. His memory deserves better." Quinn added.

"We'll have a memorial in the summer or something." Ruth shrugged.

"Ruth!" Quinn exclaimed. "Your son is dead! Noah's gone! He's never coming back and you're acting like it doesn't matter. Like his death is an inconvenience to the responsibilities you have, or like it's an afterthought."

Ruth didn't say anything, and Quinn couldn't tell if it was guilt or if she was just stunned to have Quinn going off on her.

"Noah and I had a complicated relationship, but I wanna make sure he gets a proper memorial service." Quinn went on. "And I think it would mean a lot to him to have a traditional Jewish funeral with his closest friends and family."

Ruth nodded in agreement.

"Jake is helping me organize the service." Quinn informed Ruth. "I really hope you and Sarah will be there."

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