Drugged (Santana/ND)

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"My name is Santana Lopez. I'm alone in a hotel and I don't remember how I got here."


"What happened?" Puck asked as he and Sam entered the hospital.

"They found Santana in a hotel room by herself surrounded by drugs." Mercedes answered.

"What? No, that's not Santana." Sam shook his head.

"Sam, you didn't know her in middle school." Finn said. "Santana liked to party."

"Both of us did." Puck nodded. "But things are different now. She wouldn't do that."

"She would if she was depressed." Rachel stated.

"Depressed?" Puck repeated.

"The doctors think this wasn't an accident." Brittany informed Puck.

"The doctors don't know what the hell they're talking about." Puck noted.

"Noah, she overdosed." Quinn said softly.

"When can we see her? Where's her mom?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"She's speaking to the doctors now." Mike told Puck.

Puck nodded slowly, perking up when he heard Santana's mother arguing in Spanish. He saw her and Santana's abuela, and hurried over to talk to them.

"Mrs. Lopez, how is she? Can we see her?" Puck asked.

"I think Santana needs help." Maribel Lopez said. "I have to make arrangements."

"Arrangements for what?" Puck wondered.

"She needs professional help to get rid of this problem for good." Maribel said before walking away.


"Lopez, what the hell?!" Puck exclaimed as he snuck into Santana's room. "Are you okay?"

"The doctors just told me my mom's having me held against my will in some kind of rehab so no, I'm not okay." Santana responded.

Puck frowned. "You could've told me you were depressed."

"I'm not depressed." Santana said. "Things have been really great."

Puck looked at Santana.

"I'm with Brittany, and we have another year of school together before graduation. Cheerios, glee club." Santana went on.

"Right." Puck muttered.

"I didn't do this to myself, Puck." Santana insisted. "And if you don't believe me, fine, but then you should go."

"I believe you." Puck said.

Santana furrowed her eyebrows. "You do?"

"How many times have you believed in me?" Puck pointed out. "Even when you shouldn't have."

Santana nodded.

"If someone did this to you, we're gonna find them and take them down."

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