Homework (Quick)

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"Hey." Puck said, peeking into his bedroom. "I just wanted to let you know I'm back. In case you need anything."

"Thanks." Quinn muttered with a nod, her eyes on her schoolwork.

"What are you doing?" Puck wondered.

"Homework." Quinn answered.

"I thought you said you were doing homework before I left." Puck said.

"We have eight classes everyday." Quinn reminded Puck.

"And you're still doing homework?" Puck asked.

Quinn huffed as she closed her books and began gathering her things.

"Wait, wait, stop, I'm sorry." Puck apologized. "I just didn't realize school kept you so busy."

Quinn looked at Puck.

"I don't really do homework." Puck added.

"Right, well, I don't wanna be stuck in this town forever struggling to raise a baby I didn't even want." Quinn blurted.

"Why'd you keep it?" Puck questioned Quinn.

Quinn didn't say anything.

"I mean, you must've known that some of this was gonna happen." Puck pointed out. "You knew you would lose Finn and Cheerios eventually."

"I made a mistake when I slept with you." Quinn stated. "But my stupidity and poor judgment isn't her fault. She deserves to have a good life."

"And what if someone horrible adopts her?" Puck asked. "Is it worth all this?"

"I'm not gonna let that happen." Quinn swore as she got up.

"Where are you going?" Puck wondered.

"The library." Quinn answered. "To finish homework."

"Finish it here." Puck said. "I won't bother you, I promise."

Quinn shook her head. "I have a lot to do and a lot to think about, and I need to do that somewhere else."


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